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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
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Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge gets help from volunteers to "green up the refuge"
Northeast Region, May 5, 2015
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Some of the trash picked up at Misssiquoi NWR by volunteers at Green Up Day
Some of the trash picked up at Misssiquoi NWR by volunteers at Green Up Day - Photo Credit: ken sturm/usfws
Volunteers from IBM and the community helping with the refuge's Green Up Day
Volunteers from IBM and the community helping with the refuge's Green Up Day - Photo Credit: ken sturm/usfws

Each year the refuge asks for volunteer assistance to help pick up trash along the refuge's floodplain forest as part of Vermont's annual "Green Up Day". Thanks to a special relationship with IBM and with the help of several local volunteers the refuge annually removes enough trash to fill a dumpster each spring. This year we had the help of 12 volunteers who dedicated their morning to "Greening Up" their National Wildlife Refuge!

Contact Info: Ken Sturm, 802-868-4781, Ken_Sturm@fws.gov
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