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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
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ALASKA MARITIME: School Groups Visit the the Refuge's vessel the R/V Tiglax
Alaska Region, April 23, 2015
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Captain Billy Pepper welcomes a class of visiting students aboard the R/V Tiglax.
Captain Billy Pepper welcomes a class of visiting students aboard the R/V Tiglax. - Photo Credit: Joel Vos, USFWS

185 students visited the Research Vessel Tiglax to meet Captain Pepper, and learn about careers in field biology, marine trades, and get lessons on seabirds and marine mammals. Education Specialist Kendra Bush-St. Louis wasn't surprised that 8 classes quickly responded to the opportunity. High school teachers were the first to sign up - ranging from an advanced placement biology class to students who attend Homer's local alternative school. The ship's crew is used to hosting visiting scientists and facilitating the work of refuge scientists and partners, and turning the tables to teach kids about their work comes naturally.

Contact Info: Marianne Aplin, 907-226-4619 , marianne_aplin@fws.gov
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