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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
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Minnesota Valley Wetland Management District: 500 Ducklings Hatched on Wetland Easement!
Midwest Region, July 25, 2012
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Mr. Krueger holding three blue-winged teal after banding and recording them.
Mr. Krueger holding three blue-winged teal after banding and recording them. - Photo Credit: USFWS
A hen wood duck with her brood.
A hen wood duck with her brood. - Photo Credit: USFWS
A view of the largest restored wetland from Mr. Krueger's yard.
A view of the largest restored wetland from Mr. Krueger's yard. - Photo Credit: USFWS

The Krueger Wetland Easement in Le Sueur County, Minn. is a sight to see during the nesting season. Arnold Krueger, the current property owner, maintains and monitors 59 wood duck boxes in his yard each year. They are mounted on trees, nailed to sheds, and are even fixed onto his house and deck. The wood duck boxes in his yard are only a few hundred meters or less from restored and protected wetlands on his property.

This year, 480 ducklings jumped from 39 successful wood duck nests and 24 young emerged from three successful hooded merganser nests. The 7-15 eggs in each nest were incubated for about 30 days before they hatched. The ducklings then spent one night in the nest and jumped out the following morning to follow the hen to water. The wetlands that were restored will now provide seeds and insects, as well as safety for the ducklings as they grow to maturity.

Krueger chose to have his wetlands restored through the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program and opted to permanently protect them under a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Wetland Easement in the early 1990s. Since 1990, more than 10,000 ducklings have been hatched on this 125 acre easement. He has made a tremendous impact to the local wood duck population by faithfully providing and maintaining nesting locations and quality habitat for them. His story is an inspiration to others and is an example of the difference that one person can make to their local wildlife populations. The Minnesota Valley Wetland Management District is fortunate to have such a dedicated partner to support waterfowl on his remarkable property.

Contact Info: Krista Vogel, 952-361-4507, krista_vogel@fws.gov
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