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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
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CAL-NV FISH HEALTH CENTER: Healthy salmon juveniles in a high flow Stanislaus River
California-Nevada Offices , July 1, 2011
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Ryan Fogerty (CA-NV FHC) sampling juvenile salmon at Oakdale trap site. JSFoott, FWS
Ryan Fogerty (CA-NV FHC) sampling juvenile salmon at Oakdale trap site. JSFoott, FWS - Photo Credit: n/a

This spring, the California - Nevada Fish Health Center worked with Fish Bio, Cramer Fish Sciences, and the Stockton Fish and Wildlife Office in a health monitoring project for Stanislaus River juvenile Chinook salmon.  Winter and spring rains resulted in beneficial high river flow and cool water temperature.  While  a few fish had low-level bacterial infections, no diseased fish were detected and the population showed normal growth and fat accumulation.  A key enzyme for saltwater adaptation was also in normal ranges for the out-migrant smolts.  Overall, the fish were healthy and fit.

Contact Info: John Foott, 530-365-4271 (ext202), Scott_Foott@fws.gov
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