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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
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Connecting People with Nature: Berkshire Hatchery Foundation Releases Trout for Public Fishing Event
Northeast Region, September 17, 2009
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Konkapot river stocking crew. Photo Carrie Hoover, USFWS.
Konkapot river stocking crew. Photo Carrie Hoover, USFWS. - Photo Credit: n/a
Volunteer releasing trout into konkapot River, MA.  Photo LeRoy Thorpe, Berkshire Hatchery Foundation.
Volunteer releasing trout into konkapot River, MA. Photo LeRoy Thorpe, Berkshire Hatchery Foundation. - Photo Credit: n/a

On Thursday September 17th the Berkshire Hatchery Foundation (Foundation), volunteers, and staff from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released brook trout and brown trout into a section of the Konkapot River in southwestern Massachusetts. The trout were grown at the Berkshire Trout Hatchery by members of the Foundation to support recreational fishing opportunities in Massachusetts.   The Foundation also donated prizes for an all age, weekend long, community fishing derby held September 19th and 20th along the river.  In conjunction with the river fishing event, a kids fishing derby was held at the hatchery on Saturday.

            The task of releasing was accomplished with many hands and many buckets. Most release locations were 100 yd. walks down steep riverbanks. The fish were large, healthy trout ranging from 12-16 inches long. By the end of the day, 7 miles of the Konkapot River had been stocked with 30 large brown trout and over 1000 brook trout. This was just one of the many projects organized and carried out by the Berkshire Hatchery Foundation and volunteers, who throughout the 2009 fiscal year donated over 3200 hours in support of programs and operations at the Berkshire Trout Hatchery.


Contact Info: Henry Bouchard, (802) 483-6618, Henry_Bouchard@fws.gov
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