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Conservation Plant Releases - Kika de la Garza Plant Materials Center

The Kika de la Garza Plant Materials Center has released the following plants to commercial growers to solve specific resource conservation needs. Click on the link to the Release Brochure (if available) to view more information on each plant release. Click on the Scientific Name for more information on the species.

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Plant Releases

Release Name Scientific Name Common Name Uses Release Brochure
Rio Grande Germplasm Acacia angustissima var. hirta prairie acacia wildlife habitat, range, landscaping Brochure (PDF; 249 KB)
South Texas Germplasm Bouteloua curtipendula var. caespitosa sideoats grama upland wildlife, highway rights-of-way, energy exploration reclamation, and range plantings in south Texas. Brochure (PDF; 191 KB)
Chaparral Germplasm Bouteloua hirsuta hairy grama critical areas, roadsides and reclamation sites Brochure (PDF; 356 KB)
Dilley Germplasm Bouteloua repens slender grama critical area sites, roadsides, reclamation sites, buffers and filter strips Brochure (PDF; 355 KB)
Atascosa Germplasm Bouteloua rigidiseta Texas grama critical areas, roadsides, and reclamation sites Brochure (PDF; 355 KB)
Mariah Germplasm Chloris cucullata hooded windmill grass roadside plantings, range seeding, critical site revegetation Brochure (PDF; 1.7 MB)
Welder Germplasm Chloris ×subdolichostachya shortspike windmill grass roadside plantings, critical area revegetation Brochure (PDF; 1.7 MB)
Cuero Germplasm Dalea purpurea var. purpurea purple prairieclover range seeding, revegetation, and wildlife habitat Brochure (PDF; 225 KB)
Hondo Germplasm Desmanthus velutinus velvet bundleflower range seeding, wildlife habitat, and erosion control Brochure (PDF; 217 KB)
Balli Germplasm Desmanthus virgatus prostrate bundleflower wildlife habitat, range Brochure (PDF; 241 KB)
La Salle Germplasm Digitaria californica Arizona cottontop rangeland seeding Brochure (PDF; 358 KB)
Lavaca Germplasm Elymus canadensis Canada wildrye cool season forage on pastureland and rangeland Brochure (PDF; 858 KB)
Duval Germplasm Eragrostis secundiflora ssp. oxylepis red lovegrass range seeding mixtures, upland wildlife planting, roadside planting, and conservation planting Brochure (PDF; 285 KB)
Ramadero Germplasm Eragrostis spicata spike lovegrass critical site revegetation and range seeding Brochure (PDF; 373 KB)
Oso Germplasm Panicum hallii var. filipes Hall's panicum, Filly panic Wildlife, Highways, Rangeland, Saline sites Brochure (PDF; 311 KB)
Maverick Germplasm Pappophorum bicolor pink pappusgrass rangeland seeding and highway right-of-way plantings Brochure (PDF; 2.4 MB)
Webb Germplasm Pappophorum vaginatum whiplash pappusgrass rangeland seeding, highway right-of-ways, and for upland wildlife Brochure (PDF; 2.1 MB)
STN-561 Germplasm Plantago hookeriana Hookers plantain cool season upland wildlife plantings and range seedling mixes Brochure (PDF; 3.3 MB)
STN-496 Germplasm Plantago rhodosperma redseed plantain upland wildlife plantings and range seeding mixes Brochure (PDF; 3.3 MB)
Zapata Germplasm Polanisia dodecandra ssp. riograndensis Rio Grande clammyweed upland wildlife plantings and range seeding mixes Brochure (PDF; 3.3 MB)
STN-176 Germplasm Schizachyrium scoparium var. scoparium little bluestem range plantings and wildlife habitat improvement Brochure (PDF; 280 KB)
STN-461 Germplasm Schizachyrium scoparium var. scoparium little bluestem range plantings and wildlife habitat improvement Brochure (PDF; 280 KB)
Kika 677 Germplasm Setaria leucopila streambed bristlegrass rangeland planting, erosion control, wildlife habitat and water quality improvement Brochure (PDF; 1.7 MB)
Kika 819 Germplasm Setaria leucopila streambed bristlegrass rangeland planting, erosion control, wildlife habitat, and water quality improvement Brochure (PDF; 1.7 MB)
Kika 820 Germplasm Setaria leucopila streambed bristlegrass rangeland planting,erosion control, wildlife habitat, and water quality improvement Brochure (PDF; 1.7 MB)
Kika 648 Germplasm Setaria vulpiseta plains bristlegrass range seeding, wildlife habitat Brochure (PDF; 1.7 MB)
Venado Germplasm Simsia calva awnless bushsunflower range restoration and wildlife habitat Brochure (PDF; 296 KB)
Nueces Germplasm Sporobolus cryptandrus sand dropseed wildlife plantings, range mixes, critical site revegetation, erosion control, and right-of-way planting Brochure (PDF; 216 KB)
Falfurrias Germplasm Sporobolus wrightii big sacaton livestock forage, restoration of native vegetation, revegetating alkaline and saline sites, grass hedge terrace, wind strips for erosion control, and stabilization of watershed structures, stream banks and floodplain areas Brochure (PDF; 1.1 MB)
Kinney Germplasm Trichloris crinita false Rhodes grass early season forage and native range restoration Brochure (PDF; 1.3 MB)
Hidalgo Germplasm Trichloris pluriflora multiflower false Rhodes grass Range Seeding and Upland Wildlife Habitat Brochure (PDF; 216 KB)
Hoverson Germplasm Vicia ludoviciana Louisiana vetch upland wildlife plantings, range seed mixes, and as a cool season legume cover crop. Brochure (PDF; 186 KB)
Goliad Germplasm Wedelia texana hairy wedelia range restoration, native landscaping and wildlife habitat Brochure (PDF; 309 KB)