Join the Team!



By: Brittney Gordon

School is just about out for summer, and for many kids across the country this starts the most wonderful time of year. Like many people, my memories of summer bring back some of my most favorite memories of childhood. From summer camps and vacations, to riding bikes with the kids in the neighborhood, my summers were filled with the kind of excitement that can only a child can truly appreciate.

Many parents are probably finalizing their child’s summer plans right now, hoping to find that perfect balance of relaxed fun and intellectual stimulation.  If you are looking for a fun and educational activity to help them fill their day, I have the perfect addition. Get your kids to join Team ENERGY STAR! This is an exciting new initiative from EPA developed to help educate kids about saving energy in order to protect our climate.

This year EPA is working with Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax to help kids save the trees by saving energy at home. By joining Team ENERGY STAR your kids will have access to fun and educational resources that will help them understand the importance of saving energy. After they join, your kids will get access to downloadable resources to help them in their journey, including a comprehensive action kit, a Lorax Activity Booklet, a Lorax Mustache making kit and more. Your kids can even share their energy-saving story with EPA, and get it featured on our website and ENERGY STAR’s Facebook and Twitter pages.

Several EPA partners are joining with ENERGY STAR on this project, including the Boys and Girls Clubs of America and Do Our partners at Do are even hosting a Team ENERGY STAR Challenge that your kids can join to win prizes from LG Electronics.

Check out Team ENERGY STAR at and get your summer fun started today!

Brittney Gordon is a communications team member for EPA’s ENERGY STAR program. During the summer months she enjoys trips to the beach, great books and lazy weekends at home with her husband.