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Safer Choice

Safer Choice Partner of the Year Awards

The 2017 Awards Cycle Has Closed

The third annual Safer Choice Partner of the Year Awards will recognize program participants for advancing the goal of chemical safety through exemplary participation in or promotion of the Safer Choice program. Read the Federal Register notice. Award winners will be announced at a ceremony in late spring of 2017 in Washington, D.C.

The application period closed on December 16, 2016. If you applied for an award but did not receive confirmation that your application was received, please email SaferChoice_Support@abtassoc.com and wen.chen@epa.gov.

Safer Choice program participants are continually driving innovation to make chemical products safer. Our program currently labels more than 2,000 products, used by consumers, institutions and industry, that meet our Safer Products Standard.

Learn more about previous winners:

Learn more about the 2017 Partner of the Year Awards:

Award Categories

EPA will present at least one award in each of these five categories:

  • Product Manufacturers
  • Purchasers and Distributors
  • Retailers
  • Supporters
  • Innovators

Within these categories, we may give additional awards in the subcategories of "small business" and "sustained excellence."

You may apply in more than one award category, but must complete individual application packages for each.


Any current or past program participants in the Safer Choice program are eligible to apply for the awards. Candidates must complete the application form and have it signed by an appropriate company or organization official (e.g., CEO, vice president for governmental affairs, division head, or other authorized signatory).

Application Process 101 Webinar

On November 2nd, Safer Choice hosted an Application Process 101 webinar for award applicants. This session provided tips on how to apply and guidance on what the judges are seeking from winners.


How to Apply

The application period for the 2017 Partner of the Year Awards closed on December 16, 2016.

Selection Criteria

For the 2017 awards, we will recognize program participants who have demonstrated leadership in:

  • furthering safer chemistry and products throughout the past year; and
  • promoting the new Safer Choice label.

Program participants that submit complete applications will be evaluated against the following five criteria:

  1. Participation in the Safer Choice program
  2. Use of the Safer Choice label
  3. Promotion and use of products using the Safer Choice label
  4. Outreach and education on the Safer Choice program to consumers and end-users
  5. Innovations in safer chemistry and other efforts to advance the Safer Choice program

Responses will be weighted and points assigned based on the applicant/award category. The full evaluation criteria are described in the application form.

More Information About the Awards

For more information on the Partner of the Year Awards, please contact Chen Wen (wen.chen@epa.gov or 202-564-8849).