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Office of Enforcement


The Office of Enforcement promotes overall improvement in the Department's safety and security programs through management and implementation of the DOE enforcement programs for safety and classified information security that are authorized by the Atomic Energy Act. The office is independent of the DOE offices that develop and implement policy and programs. The office conducts enforcement investigations using systematic enforcement practices to thoroughly evaluate operational events and conditions that represent potentially serious violations of the Department’s nuclear safety, worker safety and health, and classified information security regulations. These investigations can result in civil penalties against DOE contractors that violate the regulations.


• Maintains communication with and provides feedback to the Secretary and senior DOE managers to identify and resolve safety and security regulatory issues and concerns, and to coordinate actions to address contractor performance that does not meet DOE performance and/or compliance expectations.  Interfaces with DOE field and program elements, the NNSA, congressional staff, and other stakeholders.
• Provides strategic direction (e.g., policy and procedures) to administer the Department’s safety and security enforcement program. 
• Maintains awareness of Departmental operations and investigates reported or suspected serious violations of DOE safety and security regulations.
• Uses enforcement authorities, in close coordination with DOE field and program offices, to reinforce to DOE contractors the Department’s expectations established in its nuclear safety, worker safety and health, and classified information security regulations. 
• Provides management and direction to the Department's congressionally authorized enforcement programs.
• Works closely with DOE Field and Program elements to assist in implementing key enforcement and compliance assurance functions.
• Provides quality management (e.g., in reviewing and approving enforcement correspondence and reports, ensuring effective validation processes).
• Maintains the Noncompliance Tracking System (NTS) to facilitate voluntary contractor reporting of nuclear and worker safety noncompliances to DOE.
• Implements the Docketing Clerk function for all enforcement proceedings, including provisions for public access to the results of such proceedings. 
• Provides information, assistance, and training regarding DOE safety and security regulatory processes and their implementation.