Save Money and More with ENERGY STAR Certified Heat Pump Water Heaters

ENERGY STAR certified heat pump water heaters (HPWHs) promise huge energy savings. Begin planning now for your next water heater purchase and enjoy all these benefits:

Big savings. ENERGY STAR certified HPWHs can save a household of 4 approximately $330 per year on its electric bills compared to a standard electric water heater and over $3,500 over the HPWH’s lifetime. Larger families — that typically use more hot water — will save even more!  (See table below.)

A smart investment. While a certified HPWH costs more upfront, the savings will pay back the difference in two years for a household of 4. Replace your aging electric water heater before it fails, and start enjoying the savings right away.

Household Size Annual kwh Savings Annual $ Savings Payback (Years) Lifetime Savings
Savings and Paybacks for ENERGY STAR Heat Pump Water Heaters
2 1,350 $ 160 4.9 $ 1,320
3 2,020 $ 240 3.3 $ 2,380
4 2,690 $ 330 2.5 $ 3,440
5 3,370 $ 410 2.0 $ 4,490
6 4,040 $ 490 1.6 $ 5,550

Assumes: 12 cents/kWh; Incremental Cost = $800; 13 - year lifespan

A purchase that protects the environment. If all residential electric water heaters less than 55 gallons sold in the United States were ENERGY STAR certified HPWHs, the energy cost savings would grow to $8.2 billion each year, and 98 billion pounds of annual greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented, equivalent to the emissions from 9 million vehicles.