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Henry S. Kenchington, OE-40 - Deputy Assistant Secretary, Cybersecurity and Emerging Threats Research and Development

Mr. Henry (Hank) Kenchington is Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) for the Cybersecurity and Emerging Threats Research and Development (CET R&D) Division in the Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability. He is responsible for leading the national effort to develop the next generation of technologies, tools, and techniques to mitigate the risk resulting from the cyber and other threats within the energy environment and to expand situational awareness impact testing and mitigation deployment. Previously, he was Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Advanced Grid Integration Division where he was responsible for the strategic management of the $3.4 billion Smart Grid Investment Grant program funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to upgrade the nation’s power grid with advanced digital technologies to improve system reliability, security, and efficiency. At DOE, Hank has also served as DAS for R&D with responsibility for development of advanced technologies for the power grid in the areas of power electronics, energy storage, cybersecurity, smart grid, and modeling and visualization, and synchrophasor technologies. Hank has a BS in mechanical and nuclear engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and a master’s degree in engineering administration from the George Washington University.