Improving Population Health by Working with Communities: Action Guide

This guide from the National Quality Forum is a framework to help multi-sector groups work together to improve population health by addressing 10 interrelated elements for success. The guide is intentionally brief and written in plain language to be as accessible as possible for all types of stakeholders at the local, state, regional, and national levels to take action. Download the action guide... Read more

Highway Conversion to Reconnect New Haven Neighborhoods

New Haven highway signs (Doug Kerr / Flickr)
The city of New Haven, Connecticut is leveraging $36 million in federal TIGER grants to convert an urban-renewal-era highway spur into more of a pedestrian-friendly boulevard, opening up 10 acres of land in the city center for development in the process. By transforming the highway into a boulevard that slows traffic and links with downtown cross streets, the city hopes to knit the neighborhoods back together. Read more... Read more

Community Heart & Soul: Field Guide

This Field Guide distills twenty years of experience working with small cities and towns into a step-by-step process and a kit of resources to equip leaders, staff, and volunteers with everything they need to design and deliver the Heart & Soul method in their community. This Field Guide is an overview of the Orton Family Foundation’s four-phase method that breaks the process down into management steps and tasks to help you get the job done. It is a roadmap to... Read more

The How and Why of Measuring Access to Opportunity: A Guide to Performance Management

This new resource from the Governors’ Institute on Community Design is a guidebook on the data, tools, and methodologies transportation officials need to measure access to opportunity, as well as how to integrate these measurements into their planning and investment decisions. This guidebook might also be useful to elected and civic leaders, policymakers, and stakeholders who wish to work with transportation agencies to address these important priorities. Learn more... Read more

Smart Growth Fixes for Climate Adaptation and Resilience

EPA’s new publication, Smart Growth Fixes for Climate Adaptation and Resilience: Changing Land Use and Building Codes to Prepare for Climate Change, can help local governments find strategies to prepare for climate change impacts while achieving other environmental, economic, health, and social benefits. Read report... Read more

Climate Smart Brownfields Manual

This EPA manual is a resource for communities that want to consider climate change as they assess, clean up, or redevelop brownfield sites. It provides guidance on best practices for climate change mitigation, adaption, and resilience at all stages of brownfields work, from planning to redevelopment. In addition, the manual contains case studies and links to additional resources that communities can use as they develop brownfields project plans. Learn manual... Read more

Developing and Advancing Effective Public Involvement and Environmental Justice Strategies for Rural and Small Communities

This sidewalk in Altamont, NY (pop. 1609) features a brick treatment, pedestrian scale lighting, street banners and colorful plantings. (Credit: Alta Planning + Design / CC-BY-SA)
This report from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) was developed to help transportation planners, practitioners, and other decision makers develop effective, locally-appropriate, and replicable strategies for public involvement in transportation planning and programming in small and rural communities. The report provides case studies and resource information to better engage environmental justice communities, as well as strategies that will mitigate or avoid prospective environmental justice issues. Read report... Read more

The Walking College: A Human Capacity Development Strategy for Growing the National Walking Movement

America Walks’ Walking College program is a successful interactive, online educational program for walkable community advocates. Over the past two years, America Walks has worked with advocates across the US to build skills, learn from experts and each other, and, ultimately, strengthen their capacity to create walkable communities. The Walking College curriculum and training process outlined in this report is a look at how America Walks is working to support, grow and improve this national walking movement. Read report... Read more

Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks

This sidewalk in Altamont, NY (pop. 1609) features a brick treatment, pedestrian scale lighting, street banners and colorful plantings. (Credit: Alta Planning + Design / CC-BY-SA)
This FHWA document is intended to be a resource for transportation practitioners in small towns and rural communities. It applies existing national design guidelines in a rural setting and highlights small town and rural case studies. It addresses challenges specific to rural areas, recognizes how many rural roadways are operating today, and focuses on opportunities to make incremental improvements despite the geographic, fiscal, and other challenges that many rural communities face. Read report... Read more
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