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CADDIS Volume 5: Causal Databases

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This section of CADDIS provides two tools (at right) to help users access and apply literature-based evidence in their causal assessments. These tools are designed for users interested in finding and compiling scientific literature (peer-reviewed and other) to support or weaken the cases for particular causal pathways.

A key part of causal assessment is taking what has been learned about causal pathways in other systems and using that knowledge to inform the current assessment. In the Stressor Identification process, this application of previous research typically occurs in Step 2: List Candidate Causes and Step 4: Evaluate Data from Elsewhere.

  • The Interactive Conceptual Diagram (ICD) application uses conceptual diagrams as an organizing framework to provide supporting literature for linkages among different sources, stressors, and responses. Users can view literature linked to existing diagrams by clicking on diagram shapes, as well as create and populate their own diagrams with supporting literature.
  • The CADDIS Literature Resource (CADLit) contains information on stressor-response associations reported in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. Currently, the stressors considered in CADLit include metals, sediment, and nutrients, although literature dealing with other stressors currently is being added.


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