Working With Communities

man riding a bicycle down a paved bike path
The National Park Service works with partners to provide recreational opportunities in communities across the country.

NPS Photo

The National Park Service cares for America's more than 400 national parks…and works in almost every one of her 3,141 counties.

National Park Service professionals take our mission on the road offering advice, technical assistance, recognition, and even cold, hard cash to help communities across the country preserve their own history and create close-to-home recreation opportunities.

We are honored to be invited into America's towns and cities to work with those who share our commitment to conservation, preservation, and recreation. Find out what's happening in your community.

We value dynamic conversations that enhance public engagement. We are proud to join forces with Indian tribes, state and local governments, nonprofit organizations, private citizens, and other partners, to build trails and playgrounds, return historic buildings to productive use, revitalize neighborhoods, expand affordable housing, protect watersheds, recognize and promote local history, and introduce the next generation to stewardship opportunities and responsibilities.

And the results are tangible.

Working with our partners the National Park Service has:

We can also help you …

Learn more about the National Park Service's community-based historic preservation, civic engagement, and outdoor recreation programs.