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Appalachian Plant Materials Center (WVPMC)
Serving areas in the States of Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia

Established: 1967
Size: 185 acres
PMC Operation: NRCS
Land Ownership: NRCS

Spiked blazing star, Kentucky ecotype, shows promise a wildlife habitat improvement plant for a diversity of pollinator speciesThe Appalachian Plant Materials Center (WVPMC) is located in Alderson, West Virginia. The Center serves 11 states in the Appalachian Region from Pennsylvania to Georgia and Alabama.

The Appalachian Plant Materials Center develops plants and plant technology to solve specific conservation problems related to climate, the rugged topography, soil limitations, various land uses, and fish and wildlife of their area of service. The WVPMC provides a place for conducting systematic observations and evaluations of plants needed to protect our natural resources. The Center addresses resource concerns involving pastureland forage production, concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), mineland reclamation, streambank stabilization, agro-forestry, wildlife habitat improvement, and culturally significant plants.

The Appalachian Plant Materials Center’s develops improved conservation plants including grasses, forbs and shrubs for use in improving the landscape of their service area.



Improved production of hillside pasture
  • Establishment and management of warm-season grasses cultivars are evaluated for adaptability to marginal Appalachian soils.
  • Performance of bermudagrass cultivars are evaluated with seeding rates, dates of establishment and harvest, and establishment techniques for use as summer pasture.
  • Develop ecotypes of Appalachian native grasses for evaluation of forage quality and yield.


Buffer strips and riparian areas
  • Promote healthy riparian buffer strips through the use of adapted and effective native plants.
  • Shade tolerant native plants developed for use in bioengineering streambanks for erosion control.
  • Technical information developed on the utilization of native plants as nutrient sinks in a riparian buffer system.


Enhancing wildlife resources
  • Improve wildlife habitat through the development of native forbs, legumes, and shrubs.
  • Techniques developed for the propagation and management of native plants for improving wildlife habitat.
  • Management practices developed for establishing wildlife food plots using commercially available plants and/or seed.

Appalachian Plant Materials Center
Old Prison Farm Rd., County Route 3-29
PO Box 390
Alderson, WV 24910-0390
Telephone: 304-445-3005
Fax: 304-445-7049