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Regional Newsletters


  • Plant Matters Digest (PDF; 6.3 MB) Northeast Regional Plant Materials Staff 2015. NE Regional PMP Staff. Beltsville, MD. Issue 3, Winter 2016. 7p. (ID# 12605).
  • Plant Matters Digest (PDF; 2 MB) Northeast Regional Plant Materials Staff 2015. NE Regional PMC Staff. Beltsville, MD. Issue 2, Summer 2015. 7p. (ID# 12658).



  • The Grama Phone, Fall 2016 (PDF; (PDF; 791 KB) Dial, H., M. Smither-Kopperl, Bernau, C., and B. Cooney 2016. USDA Southwest Plant Materials Centers. Tucson, Arizona. August 2016. 5p. (ID# 12892).
  • The Grama Phone, Spring 2016 (PDF; 984 KB) Smither-Kopperl, M., Dial, H., Cooney, B., and Eldredge, E. 2016. USDA NRCS Southwestern Plant Materials Centers. Tucson, AZ. March 2016. 5p. (ID# 12817).
  • The Grama Phone, Fall 2015 (PDF; 988 KB) Dial, H., M. Smither-Kopperl, E. Eldredge, and B. Cooney 2015. USDA NRCS Southwestern Plant Materials Centers. Tucson, AZ. August 2015. 6p. (ID# 12663).