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Conservation Plant Releases - Golden Meadow Plant Materials Center

The Golden Meadow Plant Materials Center has released the following plants to commercial growers to solve specific resource conservation needs. Click on the link to the Release Brochure (if available) to view more information on each plant release. Click on the Scientific Name for more information on the species.

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Plant Releases

Release Name Scientific Name Common Name Uses Release Brochure
Pelican Germplasm Avicennia germinans black mangrove shoreline stabilization, intertidal areas, and for wildlife benefits; extremely salt tolerant Brochure (PDF; 307 KB)
Cajun Sunrise Germplasm Helianthus mollis ashy sunflower Conservation/Restoration; livestock; Wildlife and Ornamental Brochure (PDF; 276 KB)
Fourchon Germplasm Panicum amarum bitter panicum coastal beach and barrier island dune stabilization and enhancement Brochure (PDF; 179 KB)
Brazoria Germplasm Paspalum vaginatum seashore paspalum coastal wetland restoration as a pioneer species, especially on bare soils in fresh or brackish areas, and provides wildlife food Brochure (PDF; 162 KB)
Timbalier Germplasm Schizachyrium maritimum seacoast bluestem back dune stabilization, and to increase species diversity for plants used to stabilize coastal beaches and barrier islands. Brochure (PDF; 363 KB)
Coastal Plains Germplasm Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem restoration, longleaf pine understory, critical area planting, native range, filter strips, upland wildlife habitat improvement, Brochure (PDF; 390 KB)
Bayou Lafourche Germplasm Schoenoplectus californicus California bulrush erosion control along shorelines, canal banks, levee banks, and other areas of soil-water interface Brochure (PDF; 968 KB)
Vermilion Spartina alterniflora smooth cordgrass saline marsh restoration and shoreline stabilization Brochure (PDF; 409 KB)
Gulf Coast Spartina patens marshhay cordgrass marsh restoration and shoreline stabilization Brochure (PDF; 282 KB)
Caminada Germplasm Uniola paniculata seaoats coastal restoration for beach dune and barrier island stabilization Brochure (PDF; 974 KB)
Fort Polk Vetiveria zizanioides vetivergrass grass hedges, erosion control, conservation plantings