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Central Region

Plant Materials Centers Located in the Central Region

Map of NRCS Central RegionPlant Materials Centers (PMCs) are located in ecologically distinct service areas within the Central region. Centers, working with state ecological sciences staff, develop plants and plant technologies to restore and sustain healthy natural ecosystems. By evaluating the conservation traits of plants and technologies for using these plants, PMCs provide public and private land managers with the tools necessary to establish, manage, and conserve a range of diverse ecosystems. Plants provide the foundation for addressing many of the nation’s diverse natural resource concerns. PMC products are used to improve water, air, and soil quality through cover crops, filter strips, and field borders; conserve and enhance critical wildlife habitat for grassland birds; provide feed and forage through improved grazing lands to meet the nutritional needs of various classes of livestock and support a safer human environment through the use of native plants.

Centers in the Central Region