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CHIPS Articles: SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific offers guaranteed education, technical training and jobs

SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific offers guaranteed education, technical training and jobs
Get SMART--Get Ahead--Get Paid
By Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific Public Affairs - July-September 2009
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific (SSC Pacific) recently announced a new scholarship program that targets local community college students and provides continued mentorship to prepare students for guaranteed laboratory positions at SSC Pacific as scientists and engineers upon graduation.

"For years, the lab has reached out to local four-year universities to provide a significant percentage of the 100-plus scientist and engineering graduates hired each year. What's new is we are now able to reach students attending local community colleges by offering three-year scholarships, summer internships and assured job placement," said Carmela Keeney, technical director for SSC Pacific.

"Historically, community colleges have not been on our radar since we require BS and BE degrees to even be considered for education programs and employment," Keeney said. "We can now tap into a much larger and diverse population of students who are motivated and demonstrate academic acumen and tenacity."

On April 16, SSC Pacific welcomed Miguel Rodriguez and Jessica Daniels from Southwestern Community College to celebrate the new Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship community college pilot.

SMART is a Defense Department-sponsored civilian scholarship for service program designed to fill critical workforce requirements in the science and engineering disciplines to recruit the technology leaders of the future.

The SMART program offers full tuition, full-time salary, or stipend, while in school, health insurance, textbook allowance and paid summer internships. The program is extremely competitive, with only a few hundred SMART fellows selected annually from thousands of applicants nationwide.

SSC Pacific has been participating in the SMART Scholarship program since 2005 and has already hired five scholars with more than a dozen ready to start when they finish their degrees.

"This is the first time that the SMART program has had a dedicated and organized effort for community college students," said Deborah Shifflett, SMART program manager at the Naval Postgraduate School.

Rodriguez and Daniels are the first two college sophomores to be accepted by SSC Pacific in the new SMART program. Traditionally, SMART fellows are recent college graduates and are hired after completing a four-year degree.

During their visit to SSC Pacific, Rodriguez and Daniels were introduced to their mentors, Ayax Ramirez, a photonics researcher, and Narek Pezeshkian, a robotics researcher. Rodriguez and Daniels also met the five other 2009 SMART fellows currently working at the center.

Rodriguez has an impressive military background, having served three tours in Iraq. An avid student with near-perfect grades, he has a passion for science and technology. Rodriguez is highly motivated and is currently pursuing an Associate of Science degree in physics. He plans to transfer to the University of California, Berkeley, and complete his degree in physics by 2012.

"I really enjoy studying physics, and I look forward to working with Mr. Ramirez," Rodriguez said. "I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the work currently being done in photonics and lasers."

Daniels, a full-time student, balances a full-time work schedule and still manages to volunteer; she is currently the acting president of Southwestern Community College's Computer Science Club. With a background in business administration, Daniels is seeking to challenge herself and gain experience in computing and programming.

Daniels is pursuing an Associate of Arts degree in computer science and plans to transfer to San Diego State University (SDSU) to complete her Bachelor of Science degree in computer science by 2012.

"I feel so lucky to be selected into the SMART program. I never even thought I would be able to get my bachelor's degree, I feel so fortunate to be given this opportunity," Daniels said. "My goal is to transfer to SDSU, graduate in 2012, and join the SPAWAR team!"

SMART scholarship students are required to sign a service agreement that requires a DoD civilian employment commitment. For each year of academic funding, SMART fellows are required to work for a DoD agency for one year.

After receiving a degree through the SMART program, students are awarded full federal government employee benefits, competitive post-graduation starting salaries, and a unique opportunity to contribute to their country in exciting careers in advanced technology.

SSC Pacific is the nation's only full spectrum C4ISR (command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) laboratory providing research, development, acquisition, test and evaluation and full life-cycle support across systems that integrate the military's sensors, networks, command and control, and weapons into a fully netted combat force with full spectrum dominance.

For more information about SSC Pacific, go to the SPAWAR Web site:

Left to right, back row, Shannon Bake, Diana Arceo, Anjum Gupta, Narek Pezeshkian, Deborah Shifflett, Daniel
Kichura. Front row, Jessica Daniels, Ayax Ramirez, Miguel Rodriguez and Jim Rohr, outreach coordinator.Left to right, back row, Shannon Bake, Diana Arceo, Anjum Gupta, Narek Pezeshkian, Deborah Shifflett, Daniel Kichura. Front row, Jessica Daniels, Ayax Ramirez, Miguel Rodriguez and Jim Rohr, outreach coordinator.
Left to right, back row, Shannon Bake, Diana Arceo, Anjum Gupta, Narek Pezeshkian, Deborah Shifflett, Daniel Kichura. Front row, Jessica Daniels, Ayax Ramirez, Miguel Rodriguez and Jim Rohr, outreach coordinator.
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