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CHIPS Articles: NAVAIR Response Center

NAVAIR Response Center
By Vicky Falcon, NAVAIR Public Affiars - January-March 2003
Onboard the deployed USS Boxer (LHD-4), AT1 Roger Rever was upgrading a computer processor on a CH-53D "Sea Stallion" helicopter as part of his job as a Quality Assurance Representative in the Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department onboard. The upgrade was part of an Avionics Change (AVC) ordered through a Navy Technical Directive for the AN/AAR-47 Missile Warning Set installed onboard. The AN/AAR-47 is a passive missile detection system that detects attacking missiles and provides an audio and visual approach sector warning to the crew.

"While upgrading from a -3 model to a -4 model we discovered that one of the processors onboard had never been upgraded from the -2 version," said Rever. "We suspected that we could update the -2 to a -4 through the incorporation of the current AVC, but we needed to be sure — after all, lives could be at stake!" Usually, Rever would find the Fleet Support Team (FST) for the item in question and contact them for direction. However, in this case he was unable to locate a contact for the AAR-47 system. Rever decided to take advantage of the Navy Distance Support infrastructure by submitting his request via an online form found at The request was processed, given a tracking number, and forwarded to the NAVAIR Response Center (NRC) for action. Rever could also have reached the NRC by calling 877-41-TOUCH (press option 2), or by e-mailing

The NRC coordinates and facilitates the resolution of Naval aviation-related questions and issues, assisting customers who have been unable to find answers via their appropriate chains of command. According to Fillip Behrman, program manager for the NRC, the center links customers with experts across the Naval Aviation community, ensuring the most current, comprehensive and accurate responses possible in a timely manner. Delays can often be reduced or avoided by utilizing the resources of the NRC. "Our warfighters have the right to expect timely, accurate answers to their questions — and that's what we provide," said Behrman.

Rever was impressed with the efficient and timely response to his question. "I cannot speak highly enough about the outstanding job that these (people) do," said Rever. "I have employed the NRC on several occasions and their performance has been nothing less than outstanding — even amazing.'

As part of the Navy's Distance Support program the NRC can support remotely located fleet, Federal Government agencies and contract customers. The NRC works around-the-clock across traditional organizational boundaries providing coordinated solutions to Naval aviation-related questions.

NAVAIR provides seamless, integrated, advanced warfare technology through the efforts of a worldwide network of aviation technology experts. Services include: professional training; carrier launch and recovery; sensor data and precision targeting; real-time communications; aircraft and weapons development; and successful deployment and sustainment. NAVAIR provides matchless combat capabilities to the warfighter. For more information about NAVAIR, go to

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