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CHIPS Articles: First CTN "A" School Launches at CID Corry Station

First CTN "A" School Launches at CID Corry Station
By Darlene Goodwin - April-June 2007
The first class of the new Cryptologic Technician Networks "A" School convened at the Center for Information Dominance (CID) Corry Station, Feb. 26. Ten Sailors in paygrades E-1 through E-3 are enrolled in the course to learn basic network and networking fundamentals, including devices, topology and security issues.

CID Commanding Officer Capt. Kevin R. Hooley said the training prepares Sailors for complex and mission critical computer network operations in the information warfare domain.

"Information warfare is integral to 21st century Naval operations — combat, peacekeeping, stability and humanitarian," Hooley said. "This course prepares Sailors for these duties in the ever-growing cyber battlespace."

The CTN rating was originally manned with Sailors selected to convert from other CT ratings. Following several rounds of CT-only conversions, the rating is now open to Sailors in any rating who qualify and pass the review process. The first CTN "A" School students are also the first new CTN accessions into the Navy. Cryptologic Technician Networks Seaman Recruit (CTNSR) Casey Denton called it an "amazing milestone" to be a part of.

"CTNs in the future will look to us as pioneers (who built) the pathway they will follow," Denton said. "It is a huge responsibility that we have agreed to take on, and we are all ready and willing to stand up to the challenge."

According to Hooley, the new rating and training were developed in response to emergent warfare requirements and to pace ever advancing technology.

"This evolution bears witness to the dynamic and rapidly responsive nature of our manpower, personnel, training and education system and the Navy's revolution in training," he said. "Combatant commanders and national authorities stated the need for warfare expertise in cyberspace, and in very short order, this new rating was established and formal training implemented."

Course instructor CTN1 (AW) Michael Hawley says the Navy can expect a great product from the new "A" school. "Our goal is to provide the fleet with a Sailor that can make an immediate impact," Hawley said. "And, we fully intend to reach our goal."

CTN "A" School student CTNSR Nancy Pugh is ready to help make that happen. Expressing appreciation to the Navy and nation for the opportunity she has been given, she said, "I'm very proud to be where I am now, knowing that my possibilities are endless, (having been) selected and entrusted to serve the U.S. Navy as a CTN."

TAGS: ITAM, Workforce
CTN "A" School students prepare to begin their new course at the CID Corry Station. Photo by Darlene Goodwin.
CTN "A" School students prepare to begin their new course at the CID Corry Station. Photo by Darlene Goodwin.
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