Learning about marine debris.

Educational Materials

The NOAA Marine Debris Program and its partners offer free, downloadable education and outreach materials for people of all ages to learn about marine debris. Everyone has a role to play in raising awareness about the problem, including educators, parents, friends, youth leaders, non-profits, corporations, and industry.

Spread the word with brochures, curriculum, and more, and help keep the sea free of debris!

The Marine Debris Program is proud to present the 2017 Marine Debris Calendar, now available for download.

Curriculums and Activities

Download an assortment of puzzles, brain-teasers, coloring activities, and formal curricula for Grades 1-12. All curricula and activities are available for download and print!

Reports and Technical Memos

The NOAA Marine Debris Program has a suite of scientific reports for download, including technical memos, topic papers, action plans, and workshop summaries.

Fact Sheets

Download and print fast information on marine debris, the "garbage patch," the Marine Debris Program, and other hot topics.

Cover of "What is Marine Debris?" poster.

Hang a display in learning centers to educate visitors about “garbage patches,” put a poster in your classroom, or hand out brochures in your community. We have a limited amount in print. Contact marinedebris.web@noaa.gov for availability.