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Applied Studies and Technology (AS&T)

Applied Studies and Technology (AS&T)

DOE established the Environmental Sciences Laboratory (ESL) in Grand Junction, Colorado, in 1991 to support its programs. ESL scientists perform applied research and laboratory-scale demonstrations of soil and groundwater remediation and treatment technologies.


  • Installation, monitoring, and operation of permeable reactive barriers
  • Research of permeable reactive barriers and treatment cells
  • Performance assessment and optimization of groundwater remediation systems
  • Groundwater characterization
  • Coupled hydrogeochemical modeling for groundwater remediation
  • Soil and groundwater phytoremediation
  • Design and monitor landfill covers
  • Analogs of long-term performance of waste disposal cells
  • Water balance studies, lysimetry, and vadose zone monitoring


  • Contaminant transport laboratory
  • Segmented test columns
  • Groundwater modeling laboratory
  • Plant ecophysiology equipment
  • Mobile laboratory
  • Lysimeter test facility
  • Analytical equipment
  • Petrographic laboratory
  • Soil analysis