Polar Bear Information
Office of External Affairs
NEWS AND FACTS Subscribe Now >> rss icon
Service Announces Proposal for Critical Habitat
October 22, 2009

News Release
Q and A's
Draft rule sent to Federal Register for publication
Maps of the proposed critical habitat area

Interior Department Announcement Retaining Special 4(d), Rule
May 8, 2009

News Release
Q and A's

Background Information
The polar bear, or “Nanuuq,” as the Eskimos call it, lives only in the Northern Hemisphere, on the arctic ice cap, and spends most of its time in coastal areas. Polar bears are widely dispersed in Canada, extending from the northern arctic islands south to the Hudson Bay area.
Fact Sheet


Marine Mammals Mangement Polar Bear Map

Region 7 Polar Bear Conservation Issues


Polar Bear Video Footage footage icon

Larger Version
(To download, right click on links below and click "Save as Target")
Broadband Downloading: Quicktime (1GB) 6:00


Larger Version

Photosphoto icon

Thumbnail image of a polar bear yearing. Selection of Polar Bear images within our Digital Library System.
Polar Bear Photos

Interviewsaudio icon

Scott Schliebe. Credit: USFWS Addtional Interview with Scott Schliebe.
"Working in the Arctic ”
MP3 icon for downloading
Full audio interview with FWS Scott Schliebe.
(To download, right click on mp3 icon and click "Save as Target")

Last updated: March 18, 2010
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