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State Nuclear Profiles

Data for 2010  |  Release Date: April 26, 2012  |  Next Release: February 2013  |   full report

Nebraska Nuclear Profile 2010 Nebraska profile

Nebraska total electric power industry, summer capacity and net generation, by energy source, 2010  
Primary energy source Summer capacity
Share of State total
Net generation
(thousand mwh)
Share of State total
Nuclear 1,245 15.8 11,054 30.2
Coal 3,932 50.0 23,368 63.8
Hydro and Pumped Storage 278 3.5 1,314 3.6
Natural Gas 1,864 23.5 375 1.0
Other Renewable1 165 2.1 493 1.3
Petroleum 387 4.9 31 0.1
Total 7,857 100.0 36,630 100.0
1Municipal Solid Waste net generation is allocated according to the biogenic and non-biogenic components of the fuel; however, all Municipal Solid Waste summer capacity is classified as Renewable.
Notes: Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.
Other Renewable: Wood, black liquor, other wood waste, biogenic municipal solid waste, landfill gas, sludge waste, agriculture byproducts, other biomass, geothermal, solar thermal, photovoltaic energy, and wind.
Sources: Form EIA-860, "Annual Electric Generator Report," and Form EIA-923, "Power Plant Operations Report."

Nebraska nuclear power plants, summer capacity and net generation, 2010  
Plant name/total reactors Summer capacity
Net generation
(thousand mwh)
Share of State nuclear
net generation (percent)
Unit 1
767 6,793 61.4 Nebraska Public Power District
Fort Calhoun
Unit 1
478 4,261 38.6 Omaha Public Power District
2 Plants
2 Reactors
1,245 11,054 100.0  
Note: Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.
Source: Form EIA-860, "Annual Electric Generator Report," and Form EIA-923, "Power Plant Operations Report."

Plants in State

Cooper Nuclear Plant 
Unit Summer capacity
Net generation
(thousand mwh)
Summer capacity factor (percent) Type Commercial operation date License expiration date
1 767 6,793 101.1 BWR 7/1/1974 1/18/2014
  767 6,793 101.1      
Data for 2010
BWR = Boiling Water Reactor.
Note: Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.
Source: Form EIA-860, "Annual Electric Generator Report," and Form EIA-923, "Power Plant Operations Report."

Operator: Nebraska Public Power District

Location: The Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS) occupies a 1,251-acre site near Brownsville, Nebraska

Construction Cost: $1.152 billion (2007 USD)2

Reactor Descriptions: The Cooper unit is a General Electric Type 4 boiling water reactor.

Cooling System: The Cooper facility is cooled with a once-through cooling system fed by the Missouri River.

Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant 
Unit Summer capacity
Net generation
(thousand mwh)
Summer capacity factor (percent) Type Commercial operation date License expiration date
1 478 4,261 101.8 PWR 9/26/1973 8/9/2033
  478 4,261 101.8      
Data for 2010
PWR = Pressurized Light Water Reactor.
Note: Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.
Source: Form EIA-860, "Annual Electric Generator Report," and Form EIA-923, "Power Plant Operations Report."

Operator: Omaha Public Power District

Location and Service Territory: Fort Calhoun Station is located on 660 acres near Omaha, Nebraska. The utility has an easement for another 580 acres, the acreage being maintained in a natural state.

Construction Cost: $754.65 million (2007 USD)2

Reactor Descriptions: Fort Calhoun is a Combustion Engineering two-loop pressurized water reactor.

Cooling System: Fort Calhoun relies on a once-through cooling system in which the water is not re-circulated after being drawn from the nearby Missouri River.

2Nuclear Power Plant Construction Activity, DOE/EIA-0473(86), Energy Information Administration, 1986, pp 16-17, Table 5. Adjusted to 2007 Dollars using Bureau of Labor Statistics' Consumer Price Index.

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