Dial-a-Buoy877-BUOY BAY

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The NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office is operating five CBIBS buoys over the winter, providing water quality data, meteorological observations, and wave and current information. The five locations are:

The CBIBS team is working to get more buoys back out on the water. We are still following strict operational protocol set by NOAA during the current public health emergency.

Sunsets are coming noticeably earlier these days around the Chesapeake, and fall—both meteorological (September 1) and astronomical (September) —is not far off. Here’s an update on where CBIBS stands as we head toward shorter days.

Late spring and early summer usually bring delightful weather to the Chesapeake Bay--warming temperatures and pleasant breezes, and the water temperature is still refreshing.

Much of the 2019-20 winter was warmer than average. That translates into water temperatures running a few degrees higher than average for the winter, too. Water temperature ran two or three degrees above average for much of late winter.

As of late April, six CBIBS buoys are in the water, reporting conditions from the Chesapeake Bay. 

The days are growing longer, boaters and sailors are dreaming about getting back on the water, and the CBIBS team is preparing to redeploy buoys that were pulled from the water for the winter.

The Gooses Reef CBIBS buoy has, for the time being, stopped reporting data. The battery has run down; the buoy team plans on swapping the entire buoy out for a replacement buoy either the week of January 20 or January 27. 

As winter--and cold air and water temperatures--fast approaches, the CBIBS team is making moves to keep buoys safe from potential ice damage. The Jamestown buoy will be pulled during the week of December 9; the Annapolis buoy the week of December 16. Exact dates will depend on weather conditions to ensure a safe pull for both the buoy and the technicians.

Fall can be a delightful time on the Chesapeake. The water is still fairly warm, and fish are on the move, making for some enjoyable angling. But what changes, caused by changing seasons or weather events, are affecting the Bay—and how might those changes influence how fish move around the Chesapeake?
