Dial-a-Buoy877-BUOY BAY

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Stingray Point - SR

Near Deltaville, VA

Geolocation is 37.5672, -76.2574

Data in red are more than 12 hours old.
Parameter Group Sort Value Unit Date Graphs
Water TemperatureWaterQuality248.4F2020-12-15 13:24 EST1 7 30
TurbidityWaterQuality22NTU2020-12-15 13:24 EST1 7 30
Wind DirectionMeteorological138Deg. Mag.2020-12-15 13:24 EST1 7 30
Wind SpeedMeteorological19.9kts2020-12-15 13:24 EST1 7 30
Wind GustMeteorological112.8kts2020-12-15 13:24 EST1 7 30
Wave Direction (From)Waves377Deg. Mag.2020-12-15 13:00 EST1 7 30
Significant Wave HeightWaves31.34ft2020-12-15 13:00 EST1 7 30
Mean Wave PeriodWaves33.8s2020-12-15 13:00 EST1 7 30
Water SalinityWaterQuality216.4PSU2020-12-15 13:24 EST1 7 30
Barometric PressureMeteorological130.4inches2020-12-15 13:24 EST1 7 30
Air TemperatureMeteorological134.7F2020-12-15 13:24 EST1 7 30
Chlorophyll AWaterQuality24.51ug/L2020-12-15 13:24 EST1 7 30
Dissolved OxygenWaterQuality28.71mg/L2020-12-15 13:24 EST1 7 30
LatitudePosition537.56981Degrees2020-12-15 13:24 EST1 7 30
LongitudePosition5-76.26406Degrees2020-12-15 13:24 EST1 7 30
Current SpeedCurrents40.368kts2020-07-15 11:06 EDT1 7 30
Current DirectionCurrents4166Deg. Mag.2020-07-15 11:06 EDT1 7 30

On July 17, 1608, Captain John Smith and his group of explorers ran aground at the mouth of the Rappahannock River. While they waited for the tide to come up, Smith speared a ray while fishing. The ray stung Smith in the wrist, and Smith's arm, shoulder, and chest swelled from the ray's toxin. Fearing death, Smith discussed funeral plans with his group. A doctor with the group assisted, and by evening, Smith was well enough to eat the ray for dinner. The location has been called Stingray Point ever since.

Today, Deltaville, a small community whose population swells each year during the summer vacation season, is located near Stingray Point. Many residents and visitors enjoy boating on the Rappahannock River and Bay. NOAA has worked with partners in Virginia to restore native oysters in the Rappanannock River.

Visit the buoy from any of Deltaville's marinas; the Stingray Point CBIBS buoy is roughly a mile off shore.

Be sure to check the weather forecast before you head out.

For more information on the history of the area surrounding the Upper Potomac Buoy, please visit:

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