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Jon Cassidy is the Houston-based reporter for He worked for six years as a reporter and editor for The Orange County Register after beginning his career at The Hill, broken up by a few years in South America working as a translator and English teacher. His work has been published by the Wall Street Journal, Fox News, City Journal, The American Spectator, Reason, The Federalist, Human Events, the Dallas Morning News, the San Antonio Express-News, and other publications. He was awarded the 2014 Robert Novak Journalism Fellowship and is a member of Investigative Reporters and Editors. Jon is best known for his work in bringing to light a far-reaching admissions scandal at The University of Texas.

Election voided over free glowsticks at Texas A&M

By   /  March 20, 2017  /  Campus Culture, Commentary, Texas  /  No Comments

Facebook campaign page for McIntosh

Some bureaucrats-in-training at Texas A&M have revoked the results of the election for student body president over some orange, pink, yellow and purple glowsticks.

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Paxton prosecutors mocked for threatening to quit

By   /  March 17, 2017  /  News, Texas  /  No Comments

The special prosecutors pursuing Attorney General Ken Paxton threatened to withdraw if the upcoming trial is not postponed until they get paid.

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Commentary: How to steal from a school district and not get caught

By   /  March 7, 2017  /  Accountability, Commentary, Texas  /  No Comments

The Texas Supreme Court says a school board has the authority to sideline its own dissenters.

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Lawmaker’s image takes a hit in Beaumont bond scandal

By   /  March 6, 2017  /  Accountability, Crony Capitalism, Education, News, Texas  /  No Comments

Beaumont ISD turned over a multi-million dollar project to a couple of “dumb asses” who “did lousy work and produced lousy designs,” an audit found.

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In tossing SEC’s Paxton case, judge gives sneak peek at criminal case

By   /  March 2, 2017  /  News, Texas  /  No Comments

Attorney General's Office

Even with new facts from the SEC, a federal judge still found there was no case to be made any law had been broken.

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Commentary: Prosecutors’ motion effectively an admission of Paxton’s innocence

By   /  February 14, 2017  /  Commentary, Texas  /  No Comments

Courtesy of Annenberg Classroom

The court-appointed attorneys trying to imprison Attorney General Ken Paxton effectively admitted last week that he is innocent.

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