As an advisory board to the Federal On Scene Coordinator (FOSC), the Alaska Regional Response Team provides federal, state, and local governmental agencies with means to participate in response to pollution incidents.
Alaska Regional Response Team Graphic  Alaska Regional Response Team Graphic  Alaska Regional Response Team Graphic

Emergency Phone Number:
National Response Team


Contact the ARRT Coordinators:
Nick Knowles, US EPA
Patricia Bower, AK DEC

What's New?

Next Meeting  

Alaska Regional Response Team Meeting:  The next meeting of the ARRT will be held on January 18th, 2016, at the Fairbanks Pipeline Training Center, located at 3600 Cartwright Court, in Fairbanks (  View the draft ARRT meeting agenda here: ARRT Agenda 12-14-2016.pdf.  This meeting will be held in conjunction with a meeting of the Alaska Interior Subarea Committee, on January 19th, at the same location.  View the draft Subarea Committee agenda here: Interior Subarea DRAFT 12-14-16.pdf

Biennial Work Plan
The ARRT's 2017-2018 Biennial Work Plan has been finalized, and may be viewed at: BWP 2017-2018 FINAL.pdf.  While the plan covers a two year period, it is updated annually. 

Annual Tribal Newsletter

You may view the 2017 annual ARRT Tribal Newsletter, posted to the Tribal Outreach page of this website.

Dispersant Preauthization Meetings

The USCG, EPA and ADEC are seeking public input to identify off-shore areas where the use of oil spill dispersants should be avoided. After a crude oil discharge, these Avoidance Areas will guide decision-makers to ensure the benefits of dispersant use outweigh risks to the environment. Meetings will be held at the Kenai City Council Chambers Nov. 10th, 1:30-4:30; Valdez Civic Center 11/16 1:30-4:30; Kodiak Island Borough Conference Room 11/29 1:30-4:30 and City of Unalaska Council Chambers 12/8 1:30-4:30.  For more information please see the press release here and the project website at

Area Contingency Plans and a Regional Contingency Plan for Alaska

At the direction of the ARRT, representatives from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, The U.S. Coast Guard, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency are working jointly to establish Contingency Plans for Alaska that conform with the guidance and regulations of the National Contingency Plan.  You can learn for about this effort at:

NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Arctic Wildlife Response Outreach

NMFS intends to publish draft Arctic Marine Mammal Disaster Response Guidelines in the Federal Register this spring in order to solicit comments to strengthen the document. If you would like to be notified when publication occurs, please email Sadie Wright at

New Documents:    


If you have any comments or recommendations on this website or its contents, please send them to Nick Knowles or Liza Sanden.