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Policy Development

Policy Development

Project Management Policy and Systems (PM-30) is working to update all Project Management related orders, guides, handbooks, and standard operating procedures that the Office of Project Management Oversight and Assessments (PM) has published.  The primary focus of the updates are to insure that the orders and guides, handbooks and SOPs reflect the latest guidance that the Secretary of the Energy has outlined in his memorandum dated December 1, 2014 subject: Improving the Department’s Management of Projects and June 8, 2015 memorandum: Project Management Policies and Principles.  In addition, updates will reflect the latest organizational changes as well as procedural changes within the DOE Project Management offices. 

PM-30 has some 38 guides, handbooks and SOPs to update.  PM has prioritized the list to those orders and Guides that are more than 5 years since publications as the first in priority as well as Cost, Schedule, Risk Management and Earned Value Management Systems related guides.  In addition, PM-30 will be developing several new guides such as Project Funding, Commissioning, Scheduling and Federal Project Director (FPD) Handbook as a source for FPD and project teams to use and refer to for managing the various projects throughout DOE complex.  PM goal is to assist Federal Project Directors and project teams to comply with applicable laws and regulations while putting in place most effective project management practices that increase probability of project success.

Current project management orders, guides, handbooks, and standard operating procedures are available under Directives & Documents > Project Management Policy & Guidance.