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Project Management

CD-0 Approval of Mission Need CD-1 Approval of Alternative CD-4 Approval of Project Completion CD-3 Approval to Start Construction CD-2 Approval of Performance Baseline Financial Closeout Complete CD-0 CD-1 CD-4 CD-3 CD-2 INITIATION DEFINITION EXECUTION CLOSEOUT

Project Directors are responsible for the planning, programming, budgeting and acquisition of capital assets.  One of the principal outcomes in exercising this responsibility is the delivery of projects on schedule, within budget, with the required performance capability, and compliant with quality, environmental, safety and health standards.  These web pages identify the DOE requirements related to the acquisition of capital assets and present a common framework for implementing the requirements.  Our intent is not to impose additional requirements, but rather place existing requirements in the proper context.  The target audience for these pages includes the Chief Executive, Project Management Executives, Project Owners, Program Managers, Federal Project Directors, and others involved in the DOE capital asset acquisition process.