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Office of Project Management Oversight & Assessments (PM)

The primary mission of the Office of Project Management Oversight & Assessments is to provide corporate oversight, managerial leadership and assist in the development and implementation of Department-wide policies, procedures, programs and management systems pertaining to project management, professional development, and related activities.

Office of Project Assessments (PM-10)

Provide corporate oversight and managerial leadership by performing Project Peer Reviews (PPRs) for Office of Environmental Management (EM) capital asset projects.  Through the organization and performance of PPRs, ensure the effective and consistent implementation of Department’s project management policies and directives, including DOE Order 413.3B, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets.  This includes analyzing and supporting Field oversight of project execution, providing an integrated assessment of the status and readiness of EM capital asset projects, and reporting to senior management on project status after each PPR.

Office of Departmental Project Oversight (PM-20)

Provide corporate oversight, managerial leadership, and independently oversee the implementation of Department-wide policies, directives, standards, and practices pertaining to program and project management for the acquisition of capital asset projects within the Department of Energy, inclusive of NNSA.

Office of Project Management Policy & Systems (PM-30)

Develop and maintain Department-wide policies, directives, standards, practices, and systems pertaining to program and project management for the acquisition of capital asset projects within the Department of Energy, inclusive of NNSA. Provide corporate oversight, managerial leadership, and independently oversee the implementation of contractor’s earned value management systems.

Office of Professional Development (PM-40)

Develop and maintain Department-wide policies, directives, standards, and procedures pertaining to the members of the program/project management workforce. Provide corporate oversight, managerial leadership, and independently oversee all matters relating to efforts that improve project managers and federal project directors through training, education, career management, and professional development.