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This section of the PM website provides information on the Office’s leadership, mission, organizational structure, and functional activities.

The Office of Project Management Oversight and Assessments (PM) was established as a new DOE Element on July 12, 2015.  The Office is the Department of Energy’s central management organization providing leadership and assistance in developing and implementing DOE-wide policies, procedures, programs, and management systems pertaining to project management, and independently monitors, assesses, and reports on project execution performance.

Paul Bosco, as the Director, validates the project performance baselines, to include scope, cost and schedule, of the Department’s largest construction and environmental clean-up projects prior to budget request to Congress—an active project portfolio totaling over $30 billion.  He also serves as Executive Secretariat for the Department’s Energy Systems Acquisition Advisory Board (ESAAB) and the Project Management Risk Committee (PMRC).  In these capacities, the Director is accountable to the Deputy Secretary.

The Office is comprised of the Offices of Project Assessments, Departmental Project Oversight, Project Management Policy and Systems, and Professional Development.​

  • The Office of Project Assessments, led by John White, mainly conducts independent Project Peer Reviews (PPRs) of projects that are $100 million or greater in the Environmental Management (EM) portfolio.
  • The Office of Departmental Project Oversight, led by Tony Ermovick, conducts routine project assessments, and External Independent Reviews (EIRs) in advance of project critical decisions to validate the project performance baselines, to include scope, cost, and schedule, of all capital asset projects that are $100 million or greater.  This Office also conducts Independent Cost Reviews (ICRs) and/or prepares Independent Cost Estimates (ICEs) at critical decisions and upon rebaselining capital asset projects that are $100 million or greater.
  • The Office of Project Management Policy and Systems, led by Melvin Frank, develops DOE policy and guidance for project management; provides monthly project status reports for senior leaders; drives improvements in project management systems; maintains independent central repository of all relevant project data and performance metrics; and conducts initial certification and periodic surveillance reviews to ensure contractor Earned Value Management Systems (EVMS) for capital asset projects comply with industry standards.
  • The Office of Professional Development, led by Linda Ott, manages the Project Management Career Development Program (PMCDP) to include the professional development, training and certification of our Federal Project Directors (FPDs).