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Guidance & Requirements

The Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance provides guidance and requirement documents to the NEPA community to ensure that the Department’s proposed actions comply with the letter and spirit of the National Environmental Policy Act, and to assist the interested public in reviewing NEPA documents. 

Guidance and Requirements

Selected Guidance
Selected Requirements

Accidents and Intentional Destructive Acts
Air Quality 
Categorical Exclusions
Cooperating Agencies/Agency Participation
Cultural Resources and Historic Preservation
Cumulative Impacts
Ecological Resources
Emergency Actions
Energy-Specific Resources
Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements
Environmental Impact Statement Filing
Environmental Justice
General NEPA
Greenhouse Gas and Climate Change
Hazardous Materials and Pollution
International Impacts
Land Use and Protected Lands
Programmatic and Site-Wide Analysis
Public Participation
Tribal Consultation
Wetlands, Floodplains, and Other Water Resources

DOE NEPA Guidance and Requirements
Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) NEPA Guidance and Requirements

Lessons Learned Quarterly Report

A collection of guidance, case studies, analyses, references, litigation updates, and resource information broadly relevant to NEPA implementation, such as guidance on public participation and interagency coordination procedures.

NEPA Guidance and Requirements - Search Index

The DOE NEPA Guidance and Requirements - Search Index, is a one-stop solution providing you with DOE's Guidance and Requirements documents combined into one file for easy download and use.