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2012 Mini-Grants
Applications were accepted until December 15 2011
Celebrate Urban Birds invited organizations, educators, and youth everywhere to apply for mini-grants to help fund neighborhood activities focused on birds, greening, and the arts. We are especially interested in supporting projects that introduce these activities to new audiences. Learn more

Arts and Nature Workshop
February 1-2, 2012  
We are looking for youth who are interested in the the arts to participate in a workshop at the Cornell Lab focused on the connection between the arts, nature, and conservation. Selected youth will receive full scholarships to travel and attend the workshop for free. Click to Learn More

Close Encounters
Take a look at the wonderful entries we received! Recognized photos, stories, art and videos announced. See more

2012 Calendar
The 2012 calendar is ready! Hundreds of images from participants of all ages. Help Celebrate Urban Birds by ordering one today! Learn more.

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