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National Service Agency Announces 2012 AmeriCorps Funding Opportunities

2011 November 16

Below is the announcement from the CNS. This could be a creative way to help fund a wood smoke/healthy homes program with a living, breathing grant.

The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) announces the availability of funding for AmeriCorps State and National and Indian Tribes Planning Grants. Planning grants support the development of AmeriCorps programs so the applicants are better prepared to compete for an AmeriCorps grant in the following grant cycle. The actual level of funding will be subject to the availability of annual appropriations, which have not been made. Applicants may apply for up to $50,000. Organizations applying for planning grants must not have previously received an AmeriCorps grant.

The 2012 AmeriCorps grant competition focuses on six different areas: economic opportunity, disaster services, healthy futures, education, veterans and military families, and environmental stewardship. The three grant opportunities include Indian Tribes Planning Grants, State and National Grants, and State and National Planning Grants.

The CNCS is seeking to target the focus areas of Education, Disaster Services, and Veterans and Military Families Focus Areas. The purpose of the grants is to support the development of AmeriCorps programs that will engage members in evidence-based interventions to solve community problems. Planning grants help support the development of AmeriCorps programs so that applicants are better prepared to compete for an AmeriCorps grant in the following grant cycle.

Organizations that are interested in using national service as a solution to problems are encouraged to apply for these grants. Public or private nonprofit organizations are eligible to compete for the three grant opportunities, including Indian tribes; faith-based and other community organizations; partnerships and consortia; intermediaries planning to subgrant funds; labor organizations; institutions of higher education; and states or territories.

Intent to Apply
Organizations applying for an AmeriCorps grant are encouraged to send an Intent to Apply via e-mail by December 15, 2011. E-mails can be sent to, and should include a statement of intent and the name of the Notice of Federal Funding Opportunity.

Applications for any of the grants are due January 18, 2012, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, and successful applicants will be notified by mid-April, 2012. Applicants must apply using eGrants, the web-based application system. Indian tribes may apply through state commissions, or directly to CNCS.

For More Information

For more information, contact AmeriCorps Grants at: or 202-606-7508

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