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Kimberlina Solar Thermal Power Plant

This page provides information on Kimberlina, a concentrating solar power (CSP) project, with data organized by background, participants, and power plant configuration. Kimberlina is the first Compact Linear Fresnel Reflector (CLFR) project in North America. Located in Bakersfield, CA, Ausra began construction of the power plant in March 2008, with the plant entering operation in October 2008. Kimberlina generates up to 5 megawatts of electricity at full output to help meet California’s peak summer demand.

Status Date: November 8, 2016
Project Overview
Project Name: Kimberlina Solar Thermal Power Plant (Kimberlina)
Country: United States
Location: Bakersfield, California
Owner(s): Ausra (100%)
Technology: Linear Fresnel reflector
Turbine Capacity: Net: 5.0 MW Gross: 5.0 MW
Status: Operational
Start Year: 2008

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Technology: Linear Fresnel reflector
Status: Operational
Country: United States
City: Bakersfield
State: California
County: Kern
Lat/Long Location: 35°34′ 0.0″ North, 119°11′ 39.1″ West
Land Area: 12 acres
Contact(s): Bill Conlon; Katherine Potter
Break Ground: March 2008
Start Production: October 2008
Project Type: Demonstration
Incentives: Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC)


Developer(s): Ausra
Owner(s) (%): Ausra (100%)
Operator(s): Ausra
Generation Offtaker(s): California ISO

Plant Configuration

Solar Field

Solar-Field Aperture Area: 25,988 m²
# of Lines: 3
Line Length: 385 m
Mirror Width in Line: 2 m
# of Mirrors across Line: 10
Collector Manufacturer : Ausra
Collector Description: Compact Linear Fresnel
Mirror Manufacturer : Ausra
Drive Manufacturer: Ausra
Receiver Manufacturer : Ausra
Receiver Type: Non-evacuated
Receiver Length: 385 m
Heat-Transfer Fluid Type: Water
Solar-Field Outlet Temp: 300°C

Power Block

Turbine Capacity (Gross): 5.0 MW
Turbine Capacity (Net): 5.0 MW
Output Type: Steam Rankine
Power Cycle Pressure: 40.0 bar

Thermal Storage

Storage Type: None