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Airlight Energy Ait-Baha Pilot Plant

This page provides information on Ait-Baha Pilot Plant, a concentrating solar power (CSP) project, with data organized by background, participants, and power plant configuration. The Solar field is designed to provide additional heat at high temperature to the existing 12MW ORC Generator.

Status Date: February 16, 2015
Project Overview
Project Name: Airlight Energy Ait-Baha Pilot Plant
Country: Morocco
Location: Ait Baha
Owner(s): Cimar, Italcementi Group (100%)
Technology: Parabolic trough
Turbine Capacity: Net: 3.0 MW Gross: 3.0 MW
Status: Operational
Start Year: 2014

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Technology: Parabolic trough
Status: Operational
Country: Morocco
City: Ait Baha
Region: Agadir
Lat/Long Location: 30°13′ 3.0″ North, 9°8′ 57.0″ West
Land Area: 24 hectares
Solar Resource: 2,200 kWh/m2/yr
Electricity Generation: 2,390 MWh/yr (Estimated)
Generation Data Explanation: Computed if it were a stand alone plant
Contact(s): Airlight Energy
Company: Airlight Energy
Break Ground: February 2012
Start Production: June 2014
Project Type: Pilot plant


Developer(s): Airlight Energy
Owner(s) (%): Cimar, Italcementi Group (100%)
Operator(s): Cimar, Italcementi Group
Generation Offtaker(s): Cimar, Italcementi Group

Plant Configuration

Solar Field

Solar-Field Aperture Area: 6,159 m²
# of Solar Collector Assemblies (SCAs): 3
# of Loops: 1
# of SCAs per Loop: 3
SCA Aperture Area: 2,053 m²
SCA Length: 215 m
# of Modules per SCA: 12
SCA Manufacturer: Airlight Energy
Mirror Manufacturer (Model): Airlight Energy (Pneumatic mirror)
# of Heat Collector Elements (HCEs): 108
HCE Manufacturer: Airlight Energy
Heat-Transfer Fluid Type: Air at ambient pressure
Solar-Field Inlet Temp: 270°C
Solar-Field Outlet Temp: 570°C

Power Block

Turbine Capacity (Gross): 3.0 MW
Turbine Capacity (Net): 3.0 MW
Turbine Manufacturer: Turboden
Turbine Description: The solar field feeds 3 MWth to an existing 12 MWe ORC turbine
Output Type: Organic Rankine
Design-Point Conditions: 3.9 MWth Peak thermal power

Thermal Storage

Storage Type: Other
Storage Capacity: 5 hours
Thermal Storage Description: Packed-bed of rocks