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Solaben 3

This page provides information on Solaben 3, a concentrating solar power (CSP) project, with data organized by background, participants, and power plant configuration.

Status Date: October 3, 2013
Project Overview
Project Name: Solaben 3
Country: Spain
Location: Logrosán
Owner(s): Abengoa (70%)
ITOCHU (30%)
Technology: Parabolic trough
Turbine Capacity: Net: 50.0 MW Gross: 50.0 MW
Status: Operational
Start Year: 2012

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Technology: Parabolic trough
Status: Operational
Country: Spain
City: Logrosán
Region: Cáceres
Lat/Long Location: 39°13′ 29.0″ North, 5°23′ 26.0″ West
Land Area: 110 hectares
Electricity Generation: 100,000 MWh/yr (Estimated)
Contact(s): Allison Lenthall
Company: Abengoa Solar
Start Production: June 2012
Construction Job-Years: 700
Annual O&M Jobs: 85
PPA/Tariff Type: Real Decreto 661/2007
PPA/Tariff Rate: 27.0 Euro cents per kWh
PPA/Tariff Period: 25 years
PPA/Tariff Information: Feed-in Tariff
Project Type: Commercial


Developer(s): Abengoa ; ITOCHU
Owner(s) (%): Abengoa (70%)
ITOCHU (30%)
EPC Contractor: Abener/Teyma
Operator(s): Abengoa

Plant Configuration

Solar Field

Solar-Field Aperture Area: 300,000 m²
# of Solar Collector Assemblies (SCAs): 360
# of SCAs per Loop: 4
SCA Length: 150 m
# of Modules per SCA: 12
SCA Manufacturer (Model): Abengoa (ASTRØ)
# of Heat Collector Elements (HCEs): 12,960
HCE Manufacturer: Schott
Heat-Transfer Fluid Type: Thermal Oil
Solar-Field Inlet Temp: 293°C
Solar-Field Outlet Temp: 393°C
Solar-Field Temp Difference: 100°C

Power Block

Turbine Capacity (Gross): 50.0 MW
Turbine Capacity (Net): 50.0 MW
Output Type: Steam Rankine
Power Cycle Pressure: 100.0 bar
Cooling Method: Wet cooling
Cooling Method Description: Cooling Towers
Fossil Backup Type: HTF Boiler

Thermal Storage

Storage Type: None