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National Headquarters

Deputy Chief for Management

Responsible for acquisitions, human resources, business services, and outreach and advocacy.

Chief Information Officer

Responsible for all NRCS information technology resources, information technology governance, Enterprise architecture, security, continuity of operations and the Information Technology Center in Fort Collins, CO.

Chief Financial Officer

Responsible for budget development, financial management, accounting and policy.

Deputy Chief for Strategic Planning and Accountability

Responsible for strategically improving service delivery, planning for the future, promoting
continuous performance improvement, and ensuring accountability.

Enterprise Business Initiatives (formerly CDSI)

Responsible for implementing a more effective, efficient, and sustainable business model for delivering conservation assistance online,
across the nation.

  • View the Enterprise Business Initiatives Directory - Coming Soon!

Deputy Chief for Soil Science and Resource Assessment

Responsible for soil science, soil survey and resource assessment, technical assistance to foreign governments, international scientific and technical exchange, geospatial technologies (GIS, PNT, GPS, remote sensing) services and use, inventory and correlation of ecological site descriptions, conservation effects and assessment modeling, National Resources Inventory (NRI), resource analysis to support USDA policy making for conservation, snow survey and water supply forecasting, soil research and soil laboratory data analysis.

Deputy Chief for Science and Technology

Responsible for ensuring scientifically-sound conservation practices; technology acquisition, development, and transfer; and leading the Conservation Innovation Grants Program, Plant Materials Program, Watershed Dam Rehabilitation Program, and Emergency Watershed Protection Program.

Deputy Chief for Programs

Responsible for financial assistance programs, easement programs and conservation technical assistance.

Strategic Natural Resources Initiatives

Responsible for emerging and priority natural resources issues such as climate change,
environmental markets, farm bill, bio energy and national food and agriculture council.