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About the GTT

About the GTT

GTT Directive

In April 2011, recognizing the need for strategic grid modernization efforts, both internally and externally, DOE’s Undersecretary for Energy established the Grid Tech Team (GTT) with the directive to:

  • Establish and maintain a long-term vision for the future grid
  • Identify high priority technical and institutional issues/challenges to achieving the vision
  • Develop long-, mid-, and near-term plans to address key issues
  • Align DOE’s office/program projects and initiatives for grid modernization

Internally, the GTT works to align DOE’s program objectives and resources to support implementation of the long-term vision for the future grid, develop peer review and funding opportunity announcement (FOA) strategies that leverage office/program expertise, and assess and strengthen DOE’s efforts in technology research and to address institutional issues.

Externally, the GTT engages stakeholders at all levels on an ongoing basis to develop and refine a vision for the future grid, and identify challenges and opportunities where federal actions can help achieve the vision.

In undertaking this directive, the GTT recognizes the need to maintain the grid’s efficient, reliable, and secure system operations while providing increased opportunities for cost-effective system planning and expansion.  Each of these facets of the GTT space must be considered in conjunction with the related institutional issues and solutions.

GTT Membership

Currently, the GTT consists of representatives from the following DOE offices:

  • Office of the Secretary
  • Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability
  • Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
  • Office of Fossil Energy
  • Office of Nuclear Energy
  • Office of Science
  • Office of Policy and International Affairs
  • Advanced Research Project Agency-Energy
  • Office of the Chief Financial Officer

The GTT reaches out frequently to electricity experts in academia, industry, national research labs, and other stakeholders across the technology, policy, and market landscapes.