Arsenic Health Effects Research Program and Related Publications


Welling R, Beaumont JJ, Petersen SJ, Alexeeff GV, Steinmaus C. Chromium VI and stomach cancer: a meta-analysis of the current epidemiological evidence. Occup Environ Med 72:151-159, 2015. [PDF]


Poghosyan A, Morel-Espinosa M, Valentin-Blasini L, Blount BC, Ferreccio C, Steinmaus C, Sturchio NC.  Chlorine isotopic composition of perchlorate in human urine as a means of distinguishing among exposure sources. J Exp Sci Environ Epidemiol 25:1-5, 2015. [PDF]


Smith AH, Marshall G, Yuan Y, Steinmaus C, Liaw J, Smith MT, Wood L, Heirich M, Fritzemeier RM, Pegram MD, Ferreccio C. Rapid reduction in breast cancer mortality with inorganic arsenic in drinking water. EBioMedicine 1:58-63, 2014. [PDF]


Steinmaus C, Ferreccio C, Yuan Y, Acevedo J, González F, Perez L, Cortés S, Balmes JR, Liaw J, Smith AH. Elevated lung cancer in younger adults and low concentrations of arsenic in water. Am J Epidemiol 180(11):1082-7, 2014. [PDF]


Steinmaus C, Ferreccio C, Acevedo J, Yuan Y, Liaw J, Duran V, Cuevas S, Garcia J, Meza R, Valdes R, Valdes G, Benitez H,  VanderLinde V, Villagra V, Cantor KP, Moore LE, Perez SG, Steinmaus S, Smith AH. Increased lung and bladder cancer incidence in adults after in utero and early-life arsenic exposure. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 23(8):1529-38, 2014. [PDF]


Melak D, Ferreccio C, Kalman D, Parra R, Acevedo J, Pérez L, Cortés S, Smith AH, Yuan Y, Liaw J, Steinmaus C. Arsenic methylation and lung and bladder cancer in a case-control study in northern Chile. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 274(2):225-31, 2013. [PDF]


Ferreccio C, Yuan Y, Calle J, Benítez H, Parra RL, Acevedo J, Smith AH, Liaw J, Steinmaus C. Arsenic, tobacco smoke, and occupation: associations of multiple agents with lung and bladder cancer. Epidemiology 24(6):898-905, 2013. [PDF]


Dauphiné DC, Smith AH, Yuan Y, Balmes JR, Bates MN, Steinmaus C. Case-control study of arsenic in drinking water and lung cancer in California and Nevada. Int J Environ Res Public Health 10(8):3310-24, 2013. [PDF]


Smith AH, Yunus M, Khan AF, Ercumen A, Yuan Y, Hira-Smith M, Liaw J, Balmes J, von Ehrenstein O, Raqib R, Kalman D, Alam DS, Streatfield PK, Steinmaus C. Chronic respiratory symptoms in children following in utero and early life exposure to arsenic in drinking water in Bangladesh. Int J Epidemiol 42(4):1077-86, 2013. [PDF]


Ferreccio C, Smith AH, Durán V, Barlaro T, Benítez H, Valdés R, Aguirre JJ, Moore LE, Acevedo J, Vásquez MI, Pérez L, Yuan Y, Liaw J, Cantor KP, Steinmaus C. Case-control study of arsenic in drinking water and kidney cancer in uniquely exposed northern Chile. Am J Epidemiol 178(5):813-8, 2013. [PDF]


Kalman DA, Dills RL, Steinmaus C, Yunus M, Khan AF, Prodhan MM, Yuan Y, Smith AH. Occurrence of trivalent monomethyl arsenic and other urinary arsenic species in a highly exposed juvenile population in Bangladesh. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 24(2):113-20, 2013.  [PDF]

Smith AH. Arsenic and diabetes. Environ Health Perspect 121(3):A70-1, 2013.  [PDF]

Steinmaus C, Miller MD, Cushing L, Blount BC, Smith AH. Combined effects of perchlorate, thiocyanate, and iodine on thyroid function in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007-08. Environ Res 123:17-24, 2013.  [PDF]

Steinmaus C,  Ferreccio C, Romo JA, Yuan Y, Cortes S, Marshall G, Moore LE, Balmes JR, Liaw J, Golden T, Smith AH. Drinking water arsenic in northern Chile: high cancer risks 40 years after exposureCancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 22(4):623-30, 2013. [PDF]

Smith AH, Marshall G, Liaw J, Yuan Y, Ferreccio C, Steinmaus C. Mortality in young adults following in utero and childhood exposure to arsenic in drinking water. Environ Health Perspect 120(11):1527-31, 2012. [PDF]

Smith AH, Steinmaus C. Arsenic in drinking water. BMJ 342:d2248, 2011. [PDF]

Basu A, Mitra S, Chung J, Mazumder DNG, Ghosh N, Kalman D, von Ehrenstein OS, Steinmaus C, Liaw J, Smith AH. Creatinine, diet, micronutrients, and arsenic methylation in West Bengal, IndiaEnviron Health Perspect 119:1308-1313, 2011. [PDF]

Dauphine DC, Ferreccio C, Guntur S, Yuan Y, Hammond SK, Balmes J, Smith AH, Steinmaus C. Lung function in adults following in utero and childhood exposure to arsenic in drinking water: preliminary findingsInt Arch Occup Environ Health 84:591-600, 2011. [PDF]

Steinmaus C, Smith AH, Smith MT. Regarding “meta-analysis and causal inference: a case study of benzene and non-Hodgkins lymphoma”: an incomplete analysis. Ann Epidemiol 21(1):67-9, 2011. [PDF]

Ren X, McHale CM, Skibola CF, Smith AH, Smith MT, Zhang L. An emerging role for epigenetic dysregulation in arsenic toxicity and carcinogenesisEnviron Health Perspect 119:11-9, 2011. [PDF]

Steinmaus C, Miller M, Smith AH. Perchlorate in drinking water during pregnancy and neonatal thyroid hormone levels in California. J Occup Environ Med 52:1217-1224, 2010. [PDF]

Rahman A, Persson L, Nermell B, Arifeen S, Ekstrom E, Smith AH, Vahter M. Arsenic exposure and risk of spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, and infant mortality. Epidemiology 21:797-804, 2010. [PDF]

Smith AH,  Marshall G, Yuan Y, Liaw J, Ferreccio C, Steinmaus C. Evidence from Chile that arsenic in drinking water may increase mortality from pulmonary tuberculosis. Am J Epidemiol 173(4):414-20, 2011. [PDF]

Steinmaus C, Yuan Y, Kalman D, Rey O, Skibola C, Dauphine D, Basu A, Porter K, Hubbard A, Bates M, Smith MT, Smith AH. Individual differences in arsenic metabolism and lung cancer in a case-control study in Cordoba Argentina. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 247:138-145, 2010. [PDF]

Schwilk E, Zhang L, Smith MT, Smith AH, Steinmaus C. Formaldehyde and leukemia: An updated meta-analysis and evaluation of bias. Occup Environ Med 52:878-886, 2010. [PDF]

Porter K, Basu A, Bates M, Kalman D, Rey O, Smith AH, Smith MT, Steinmaus C, Skibola C. Association of genetic variation in cystathionine-β-synthase and arsenic metablolism. Environ Res 110(6):580-7, 2010. [PDF]

Yuan Y, Marshall G, Ferreccio C, Steinmaus C, Liaw J, Bates M, Smith AH. Kidney cancer mortality: Fifty-year latency patterns related to arsenic exposure. Epidemiology 21:103-8, 2010. [PDF]

Jo WJ, Loguinov A, Wintz H, Chang M, Smith AH, Kalman D, Zhang L, Smith MT, Vulpe CD. Comparative functional genomic analysis identifies distinct and overlapping sets of genes required for resistance to monomethylarsonous acid (MMAIII) and arsenite (AsIII) in yeast. Toxicol Sci 111(2), 424-436, 2009. [PDF]

Steinmaus C, Yuan Y, Liaw J, Smith AH.  Low-level population exposure to inorganic arsenic in the United States and Diabetes Mellitus: A Reanalysis. Epidemiology 20:807-815, 2009. [PDF]

Smith AH, Ercumen A, Yuan Y, Steinmaus C. Increased lung cancer risks are similar whether arsenic is ingested or inhaled. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol  19: 344-6, 2009. [PDF]

Smith AH, Steinmaus C. Health effects of arsenic and chromium in drinking water: Recent human findings. Annu Rev Public Health 30:9.1-9.16, 2009. [PDF]

Smith AH. Hexavalent chromium, yellow water, and cancer: A convoluted saga. Epidemiology 19(1):24-6, 2008. [PDF] Commentary on this article and our author response: Paustenbach DJ. On the chromium reanalysis. Epidemiology 20(4):625-6. Author reply: 626-7, 2009. [PDF]

Rahman A, Vahter M, Smith AH, Nermell B, Yunus M, El Arifeen S, Persson L, Ekstrom E.  Arsenic exposure during pregnancy and size at birth: A prospective cohort study in Bangladesh. Am J Empidemiol 169:304-312, 2008. [PDF]

Liaw J, Marshall G, Yuan Y, Ferreccio C, Steinmaus C, Smith AH.
Increased childhood liver cancer mortality and arsenic in drinking water in northern Chile. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 17(8):1982-87, 2008. [PDF]

Hegedus CM, Skibola CF, Warner M, Skibola DR, Alexander D, Lim S, Dangleben NL, Zhang L, Clark M, Pfeiffer RM, Steinmaus C, Smith AH, Smith MT, Moore LE. Decreased urinary beta-defensin-1 expression as a biomarker of response to arsenic. Toxicol Sci 106(1):74-82, 2008. [PDF]

Steinmaus C, Yuan Y, Liaw J, Smith AH.  On arsenic, diabetes, creatinine, and multiple regression modeling: A response to the commentaries on our reanalysis. Epidemiology 20(6):e1-e2. [PDF]

Steinmaus C, Smith AH, Jones RM, Smith MT. Meta-analysis of benzene exposure and non-Hodgkin lymphoma: Biases could mask an important association. Occup Environ Med 65:371-8, 2008. [PDF]

Yuan Y, Marshall G, Ferreccio C, Steinmaus C, Selvin S, Liaw J, Bates MN, Smith AH. Acute myocardial infarction mortality in comparison with lung and bladder cancer mortality in arsenic-exposed Region II of Chile from 1950 to 2000Am J Epidemiol 166:1381-1391, 2007. [PDF]

Marshall G, Ferreccio C, Yuan Y, Bates MN, Steinmaus C, Selvin S, Liaw J, Smith AH. Fifty-year study of lung and bladder cancer mortality in Chile related to arsenic in drinking waterJ Natl Cancer Inst 99:920-8, 2007. [PDF]

Smith MT, Jones RM, Smith AH. Benzene exposure and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 16:385-91, 2007. [PDF]

Steinmaus C, Moore LE, Shipp M, Kalman D, Rey OA, Biggs ML, Hopenhayn C, Bates MN, Zheng S, Wiencke JK, Smith AH. Genetic polymorphisms in MTHFR 677 and 1298, GSTM1 and T1, and metabolism of arsenic. J Toxicol Environ Health A 70:159-70, 2007. [PDF]

von Ehrenstein OS, Poddar S, Yuan Y, Guha Mazumder DN, Eskenazi B, Basu A, Hira-Smith M, Ghosh N, Lahiri S, Haque R, Ghosh A, Kalman D, Das S, Smith AH. Children’s intellectual function in relation to arsenic exposure. Epidemiology 18:44-51, 2007. [PDF]

Hira-Smith MM, Yuan Y, Savarimuthu X, Liaw J, Hira A, Green C, Hore T, Chakraborty P, von Ehrenstein OS, Smith AH. Arsenic concentrations and bacterial contamination in a pilot shallow dugwell program in West Bengal, India. J Environ Sci Health A 42: 89-95, 2007. [PDF]

George CM, Smith AH, Kalman DA, Steinmaus CM. Reverse osmosis filter use and high arsenic levels in private well water. Arch Environ Occup Health 61:171-175, 2006. [PDF]

von Ehrenstein OS, Guha Mazumder DN, Hira-Smith MM, Ghosh N, Yuan Y, Windham G, Ghosh A, Haque R, Lahiri S, Kalman D, Das S, Smith AH. Pregnancy outcomes, infancy mortality, and arsenic in drinking water in West Bengal, India. Am J Epidemol 163:662-669, 2006. [PDF]

Savarimuthu X, Hira-Smith MM, Yuan Y, von Ehrenstein OS,  Das S, Ghosh N, Guha Mazumder DN, Smith AH. Seasonal variation of arsenic concentration in tube wells in West Bengal, India. J Health Popul Nutr 24:277-281, 2006. [PDF]

Chung JS, Haque R, Guha Mazumder DN, Moore LE, Ghosh N, Samanta S, Mitra S, Hira-Smith MM, von Ehrenstein O, Basu A, Liaw J, Smith AH. Blood concentrations of methionine, selenium, beta-carotene, and other micronutrients in a case-control study of arsenic-induced skin lesions in West Bengal, India. Environ Research 101:230-237, 2006. [PDF]

von Ehrenstein OS, Jenny A, Basu A, Smith KR, Hira-Smith M, Smith AH. Capacity building in environmental health research in India and Nepal. Int J Occup Environ Health12:300-6, 2006. [PDF]

Steinmaus CM, George CM, Kalman DA, Smith AH. The evaluation of two new arsenic field test kits capable of detecting arsenic water concentrations close to 10 mg/l. Environ Sci Technology 40:3362-6, 2006. [PDF]

Smith AH, Marshall G, Yuan Y, Ferreccio C, Liaw J, von Ehrenstein OS, Steinmaus1, Bates MN, and Selvin S. Increased mortality from lung cancer and bronchiectasis in young adults following exposure to arsenic in utero and early childhood. Environ Health Perspect 114:1293-96, 2006. [PDF]

Steinmaus C, Bates MN, Yuan Y, Kalman D, Atallah R, Rey O, Biggs ML, Hopenhayn C, Moore L, Hoang B, Smith AH. Arsenic methylation and bladder cancer risk in case-control studies in Argentina and the United States. J Occup Environ Med 48:478-88, 2006. [PDF]

Mazumder DNG, Steinmaus C, Bhattacharya P, von Ehrenstein O, Ghosh N, Gotway M, Sil A, Balmes JR, Haque R, Hira-Smith MM, Smith AH.   Bronchiectasis in persons with skin lesions resulting from arsenic in drinking water. Epidemiology 16(6);760-5, 2005. [PDF] 

Steinmaus CM, Yuan Y, Smith AH. The temporal stability of arsenic concentrations in well water in western Nevada. Environ Res 99(2):164-8, 2005.  [PDF] 

Steinmaus C, Carrigan K, Kalman D, Atallah R, Yuan Y, Smith AH. Dietary intake and arsenic methylation in a U.S. population. Environ Health Perspect 113(9):1153-9, 2005.  [PDF] 

von Ehrenstein OS, Guha Mazumder DN ,Yuan Y, Samanta S, Balmes J, Sil A, Ghosh N, Hira-Smith M, Haque R, Purushothamam R, Lahiri S, Das S, Smith AH. Decrements in lung function related to arsenic in drinking water in West Bengal, India. Am J Epidemiol 162(6):533-41, 2005. [PDF] 

Steinmaus C, Yuan Y, Kalman D, Atallah R, Smith AH. Intraindividual variability in arsenic methylation in a U.S. population. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 14(4):919-24, 2005.  [PDF] 

Mitra SR, Mazumder DN, Basu A, Block G, Haque R, Samanta S, Ghosh N, Smith MM, von Ehrenstein OS, Smith AH. Nutritional factors and susceptibility to arsenic-caused skin lesions in West Bengal, India. Environ Health Perspect 112(10):1104-9, 2004.  [PDF] 

Zhuo H, Smith AH and Steinmaus CM. Selenium and lung cancer: a quantitative analysis of heterogeneity in the current epidemiological literature. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 13:771-8, 2004.  [PDF] 

Steinmaus CM, Lu M, Todd RL, Smith AH. Probability estimates for the unique childhood leukemia cluster in Fallon, Nevada, and risks near other U.S. military aviation facilities. Environ Health Perspect 112:766-71, 2004. [PDF] 

Smith AH and Smith MM. Arsenic drinking water regulations in developing countries with extensive exposure. Toxicology 198(1-3):39-44, 2004.  [PDF] 

Moore LE, Wiencke JK, Bates MN, Zheng S, Rey OA, Smith AH. Investigation of genetic polymorphisms and smoking in a bladder cancer case-control study in Argentina. Cancer Lett 211(2): 199-207, 2004.  [PDF] 

Bates MN, Rey OA, Biggs ML, Hopenhayn C, Moore LE, Kalman D, Steinmaus C, Smith AH. Case-control study of bladder cancer and exposure to arsenic in Argentina. Am J Epidemiol 159(4): 381-9, 2004. [PDF] 

Bates MN, Buckland SJ, Garrett N, Ellis H, Needham LL, Patterson DG, Turner WE, Russel DG. Persistent organochlorines in the serum of the non-occupationally exposed New Zealand population. Chemosphere 54(10): 1431-43, 2004.  [PDF] 

Steinmaus C, Yuan Y, Bates MN, Smith AH. Case-control study of bladder cancer and drinking water arsenic in Western United States. Am J Epidemiol 158(12): 1193-1201, 2003.  [PDF] 

Smith MM, Hore T, Chakraborty P, Chakraborty DK, Savarimuthu X, Smith AH. A dugwell program to provide arsenic-safe water in West Bengal, India: Preliminary results. J Environ Sci Health Part A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng 38(1):289-99, 2003.  [PDF] 

Moore LE, Smith AH, Eng C, Sandy D, Kalman D, Bhargava V, Chew K, Ferreccio C, Rey OA, Hopenhayn C, Biggs ML, Bates MN, Waldman FM. P53 Alterations in bladder tumors from arsenic and tobacco exposed patients. Carcinogenesis 24(11):1785-1791, 2003.  [PDF] 

Haque R, Mazumder DN, Samanta S, Ghosh N, Kalman D, Smith MM, Mitra S, Santra A, Lahiri S, Das S, De BK, Smith AH. Arsenic in drinking water and skin lesions: Dose-response data from West Bengal, India. Epidemiology (2):174-82, 2003.  [PDF] 

Claudio L. Building self-reliance in environmental science: The ITREOH experience. Epidemiology 111(9):A460-32, 2003. [PDF] 

Smith AH, Lopipero PA, Bates MN, Steinmaus C. Public health, arsenic epidemiology and drinking water standards. Science 296(5576):2145-6, 2002. [PDF] 

Moore LE, Lu M, Smith AH Childhood cancer incidence and arsenic exposure in drinking water in Nevada. Arch Environ Health 57(3):201-6, 2002.  [PDF] 

Moore LE, Smith AH, Eng C, Kalman D, DeVries S, Bhargava V, Chew K, Moore D 2nd, Ferreccio C, Rey OA, Waldman FM. Arsenic-related chromosomal alterations in bladder cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 94(22):1688-96, 2002.  [PDF] 

Chung JS, Kalman DA, Moore LE, Kosnett MJ, Arroyo AP, Beeris M, Mazumder DN, Hernandez AL, Smith AH. Family correlations of arsenic methylation patterns in children and parents exposed to high concentrations of arsenic in drinking water. Environ Health Perspect 110(7):729-33, 2002.  [PDF] 

Bates MN, Selevan SG, Ellerbee SM, Gartner LM Reporting needs for studies of environmental chemicals in human milk. J Toxicol Environ Health A 65(22):1867-79, 2002.  [PDF] 

Smith AH, Lopipero P. Invited commentary: How do the Seveso findings affect conclusions concerning TCDD as a human carcinogen? Am J Epidemiol 153(11):1045-9, 2001. [PDF] 

Moore L, Wiencke J, Eng C, Zheng S, Smith AH. Evaluation of buccal cell collection protocols for genetic susceptibility studies. Biomarkers 6:448-54, 2001. [PDF] 

Steinmaus, C, Nuñez S, Smith AH. Diet and bladder cancer: A meta-analysis of six dietary variables. Am J Epidemiol 151(7):693-702, 2000. [PDF] 

Steinmaus C, Moore LE, Hopenhayn-Rich C, Biggs ML, Smith AH. Arsenic in drinking water and bladder cancer. Cancer Invest 18(2):174-82, 2000.  [PDF] 

Smith AH, Arroyo AP, Guha Mazumder DN, Kosnett MJ, Hernandez AL, Beeris M, Smith T, Moore LE. Arsenic-induced skin lesions among Atacameño people in northern Chile despite good nutrition and centuries of exposure. Environ Health Perspect 108(7):617-20, 2000.  [PDF] 

Smith AH, Lingas EO, Rahman M. Contamination of drinking-water by arsenic in Bangladesh: A public health emergency. Bull World Health Organ 78(9):1093-103, 2000.  [PDF] 

Smith AH, Steinmaus CM. Arsenic in urine and drinking water [letter]. Environ Health Perspect 108(11):A494-5, 2000.  [PDF] 

Moore LE, Godfrey T, Eng C, Smith AH, Ho R, Waldman FM. Validation of flourescent SSCP analysis for sensitive detection of p53 mutations. Biotechniques 28:986-92, 2000.  [PDF] 

Guha Mazumder DN, Haque R, Ghosh N, De BK, Santra A, Chakraborti D, Smith AH. Arsenic in drinking water and the prevalence of respiratory effects in West Bengal, India. Int J Epidemiol 29(6):1047-52, 2000.  [PDF] 

Ferreccio C, González C, Milosavjlevic V, Marshall G, Sancha AM, Smith AH. Lung cancer and arsenic concentrations in drinking water in Chile. Epidemiology 11(6):673-9, 2000.  [PDF] 

Smith AH, Biggs ML, Moore LE, Haque R, Steinmaus C, Chung J, Hernandez AL, Lopipero P. Cancer risks from arsenic in drinking water: implications for drinking water standards. In: W Chappell, CO Abernathy and RL Calderon (eds.): Arsenic esposure and health effects: proceedings of the Third International Conference on Arsenic Exposure and Health Effects, July 12-15, 1998, San Diego, California. Oxford: Elsevier Science, Ltd., pp.191-99, 1999.  [PDF] 

Smith AH. Amphibole fibers, chrysotile fibers, and pleural mesothelioma. Am J Ind Med 33:96, 1998.  [PDF] 

Smith AH, Goycolea M, Haque R, Biggs ML. Marked increase in bladder and lung cancer mortality in a region of Northern Chile due to arsenic in drinking water. Am J Epidemiol 147(7):660-9, 1998.  [PDF] 

NIEHS Center for Environmental Health Sciences. Newsletter: International environmental health research. NIEHS Newsletter. Spring:1-3, 1998.  [PDF] 

Hopenhayn-Rich C, Biggs ML, Smith AH. Lung and kidney cancer mortality associated with arsenic in drinking water in Cordoba, Argentina. Int J Epidemiol 27(4):561-9, 1998.  [PDF] 

Guha Mazumder DN, Haque R, Ghosh N, De BK, Santra A, Chakraborti D Smith AH. Arsenic levels in drinking water and the prevalence of skin lesions in West Bengal, India. Int J Epidemiol 27(5):871-7, 1998. [PDF] 

Biggs ML, Haque R, Moore L, Smith AH. Arsenic-laced water in Chile [letter; comment]. Science 281(5378):785, 1998. [HTML] 

Bhatia R, Lopipero P, Smith AH. Diesel exhaust exposure and lung cancer. Epidemiology 9(1):84-91, 1998. [summary] 

Smith AH. Technical Report. Assignment Report, WHO Project BAN CWS 001, 1998. [PDF] 

Smith AH. Technical Report And Review Of Action Plan For Arsenic In Drinking Water In Bangladesh Focusing On Health. Assignment Report, WHO Project BAN CWS 001/D, 1998. [PDF] 

Smith AH. Report and Action Plan for Arsenic in Drinking Water Focusing on Health, Bangladesh. Assignment Report, WHO Project BAN CWS 001, 1997. [PDF] 

Wright C, Lopipero P, Smith AH. Meta-analysis and Risk Assessment. In: Topics in Environmental Epidemiology Eds. Steenland K and Savitz DA: Oxford University Press, 1997. [PDF] 

Moore, LE, Smith AH, Hopenhayn-Rich C, Biggs ML, Kalman DA, Smith MT. Decrease in bladder cell micronucleus prevalence after intervention to lower the concentration of arsenic in drinking water. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 6(12):1051-6, 1997. [PDF] 

Moore LE, Smith AH, Hopenhayn-Rich C, Biggs ML, Kalman DA, Smith MT. Micronuclei in exfoliated bladder cells among individuals chronically exposed to arsenic in drinking water. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 6(1):31-6, 1997. [PDF] 

Biggs ML, Kalman DA, Moore LE, Hopenhayn-Rich C, Smith MT, Smith AH. Relationship of urinary arsenic to intake estimates and a biomarker of effect, bladder cell micronuclei. Mutat Res (3):185-95, 1997. [PDF] 

Aposhian HV, Arroyo A, Cebrian M, Del Razo LM, Hurlbut KM, Dart RC, Gonzalez-Ramirez D, Kreppel H, Speiske H, Smith AH, Gonsebatt ME, Ostrosky-Wegman P, Aposhian MM. DMPS-arsenic challenge test: I-Increased urinary excretion of monomethylarsonic acid in humans given dimercaptopropane sulfonate. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 282(1):192-200, 1997.  [PDF] 

Smith AH, Sciortino S, Goeden H, Wright CC. Consideration of background exposures in the management of hazardous waste sites: a new approach to risk assessment. Risk Anal 16(5): 619-25, 1996. [PDF] 

Smith AH, Wright CC. Chrysotile asbestos is the main cause of pleural mesothelioma. Am J Ind Med 30(3): 252-66, 1996. [PDF] 

Moore L, Warner ML, Smith AH, Kalman D, Smith MT. Use of the fluorescent micronucleus assay to detect the genotoxic effects of radiation and arsenic in human exfoliated epithelial cells. Environ Mol Mutagen 27(3):176-84, 1996. [PDF] 

Mendel MJ, Fisk WJ, Deddens JA, Seavey WG, Smith AH, Smith DF, Hodgson AT, Daisey JM, Goldman LR. Elevated symptom prevalence associated with ventilation type in office buildings. Epidemiology 7:(6) 583-9, 1996. [PDF] 

Hopenhayn-Rich C, Biggs ML, Smith AH, Kalman D, Moore LE. Methlyation study in a population environmentally exposed to high arsenic water. Environ Health Perspect 104(6):620-8, 1996.  [PDF] 

Hopenhayn-Rich C, Biggs ML, Kalman D, Moore LE, Smith AH. Arsenic methylation patterns before and after changing from higher to lower concentrations of arsenic in drinking water. Environ Health Perspect 104(11):1200-7, 1996.  [PDF] 

Hopenhayn-Rich C, Biggs ML, Fuchs A, Bergoglio R, Tello E, Nicolli H, Smith AH. Bladder cancer mortality associated with arsenic in drinking water in Argentina. Epidemiology 7(2):117-24, 1996. [PDF] 

Holly EA, Aston DA, Ahn DK, Smith AH. Intraocular melanoma linked to occupations and chemical exposures. Epidemiology 7(1):55-61, 1996. [summary] 

Brown KG, Beck BD. Arsenic and bladder cancer mortality. Epidemiology 7(5):557-8, 1996. [PDF] 

Smith AH. Epidemiology: Bias bias everywhere? and not a drop of science? In: Graham JD (ed) The Role of Epidemiology in Regulatory Risk Assessment. Elsevier Science: Boston, 39-43, 1995. 


Smith AH, Wright C. Environmental risk assessment using epidemiologic data. In: Host Factors in Environmental Epidemiology, Cracow, Central and Eastern European Chapter, ISEE/ISEA, 9-25, 1995. 


Smith AH, Hopenhayn-Rich C, Biggs ML, Kalman D. Re: Arsenic risk assessment. [letter; comment]. Environ Health Perspect 103(1):13-7, 1995.  [PDF] 

Smith AH, Lopipero PA, Barroga VR. Meta-analysis of studies of lung cancer among silicotics. Epidemiology 6(6):617-24, 1995. [summary] 

Moore L, Smith AH, Hopenhayn-Rich C, Biggs ML, Warner ML, Kalman D, Smith MT. Increased bladder cell micronuclei found in two populations environmentally exposed to arsenic in drinking water. Clin Chem 41(12): 1915-7, 1995. [summary] 

Bates MN, Smith AH, Cantor KP. Case-control study of bladder cancer and arsenic in drinking water. Am J Epidemiol 141(6):523-30, 1995. [summary] 

Warner M, Moore L, Smith MT, Kalman D, Fanning E, Smith AH. Increased micronuclei in exfoliated bladder cells of persons who chronically ingest arsenic contaminated water in Nevada. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 3(7):583-90, 1994. [summary] 

Smith AH, Hopenhayn-Rich C, Biggs ML, Moore L, Dale J, Warner M, Bates M, Engel R. Epidemiological study designs to address potential high bladder cancer risks from arsenic in drinking water. In: Chappell WR, Abernathy CO, Cothern CR (eds): Arsenic: Exposure and Health Northwood: Science and Technology Letters: 109-17, 1994. [summary] 

Smith AH, Duggan HM, Wright C. Assessment of cancer clusters using limited cohort data with spreadsheets: application to a leukemia cluster among rubber workers. Am J Ind Med 25(6):813-23, 1994. [summary] 

Engel RR, Hopenhayn-Rich C, Receveur O, Smith AH. Vascular effects of chronic arsenic exposure: A review. Epidemiol Rev 16(2):184-209, 1994. [summary] 

Engel RR, Smith AH. Arsenic in drinking water and mortality from vascular disease: An ecologic analysis in 30 U.S. counties. Arch Environ Health 49(5):418-27, 1994. [summary] 

Waller DK, Lustig LS, Smith AH, Hook EB. Alpha-fetoprotein: A biomarker for pregnancy outcome. Epidemiology 4(5):471-6, 1993. [summary] 

Smith AH, Hopenhayn-Rich C, Warner M, Biggs ML, Moore L, Smith MT. Rationale for selecting exfoliated bladder cells micronuclei as potential biomarkers for arsenic genotoxicity. J Toxicol Environ Health 40(2-3):223-34, 1993. [summary

Hertz-Picciotto I, Smith AH. Observations on the dose-response curve for arsenic exposure and lung cancer. Scand J Work Environ Health 19(4):217-26, 1993. [summary] 

Hopenhayn-Rich C, Smith AH, Goeden H. Human studies do not support the methylation threshold hypothesis for the toxicity of inorganic arsenic. Environ Res 60(2):161-77, 1993. [summary] 

Engel RR, Receveru O. Re: "Arsenic ingestion and internal cancers: a review". Am J Epidemiol 138(10):896-7, 1993. [PDF] 

[Older Publications]




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