Biodiesel Codes, Standards, and Safety

Biodiesel blends are subject to the same regulations and codes as transportation fuels. Blends up to B5 (5% biodiesel, 95% petroleum diesel) are considered regular diesel and approved for use in existing diesel infrastructure. Blends above B5 may be subject to additional requirements. This section focuses on federal requirements. Stations considering blends above B5 should contact their state and local authorities to identify other regulations and requirements.

Storing blends above B20 at a retail station is rare because it involves several additional requirements. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA)s Office of Underground Storage Tanks (OUST) regulates underground storage tanks (USTs) per Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Title 40 Subtitle 1 Subchapter 1 Parts 280-282. The federal UST regulation was updated in October 2015 with section CFR 280.32 and provides clarity to the 1988 compatibility requirement by specifying additional compatibility requirements for owners and operators wishing to store certain regulated substances, including gasoline containing more than 10% ethanol (and diesel containing greater than 20% biodiesel). All portions of a UST system must be compatible with the fuel stored. Demonstrations of compatibility must be provided for tank, piping, containment sumps, pumping equipment, release detection equipment, spill equipment, and overfill equipment.

Owners of USTs that decide to switch to store blends above B20 (or greater than E10) must:

  • Notify their implementing agency (usually a state office) 30 days prior to switching fuels to store an above B20 (or above E10) blend.

Owners of USTs storing greater than B10 (or greater than E10) must either demonstrate compatibility through:

  • A nationally recognized, independent testing laboratory certification or listing for the equipment used for the fuel stored; or
  • Approval from the equipment or component manufacturer for use with the fuel stored. This statement affirming compatibility must be in writing and list the specific ranges of biofuel blend with which the equipment or component is compatible.

Owners of USTs storing greater than B20 (or greater than E10) may also use another option determined by the implementing agency to be no less protective of human health and the environment.

Owners of USTs storing fuels containing greater than B20 (or greater than E10) must maintain records demonstrating compatibility as long as the fuel is stored.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulates some fuel-dispensing equipment. Its regulations that are applicable to service stations have not been updated in decades and therefore do not specifically address biofuels. OSHA is planning to update these standards to address new fuels in the marketplace.

OSHA 1910.106 (g)(3)(iv) and (g)(3)(vi)(a) require dispensers and nozzles to be listed by a third party for specific fuels.

OSHA 1910.106(b)(1)(i)(b) and (c)(2)(ii) require tanks, piping, valves, and fittings other than steel to use sound engineering design for materials used; however, there is no listing requirement. OSHA 1910.106(b)(1)(iii) covers steel tanks and requires sound engineering and compliance with UL 58 and American Petroleum Institute Standards 650 and 12B as applicable.


UL is the primary third-party safety certification laboratory servicing the refueling equipment industry globally. There are many standards covering individual products in the fueling system and many different approaches to evaluating safety. In the past, some standards that provided listings for specific fuels were limited to petroleum products, but were then revised to cover biodiesel blends. Over time, many UL standards provided the option for equipment manufacturers to list their products for gasoline, diesel, biodiesel, and other biofuels blends. While some UL standards allow manufacturers to select which fuels to list for, there is trend towards revising standards to require equipment to be listed for all fuel types—this means equipment would be listed for use with gasoline, diesel, B20, and other commercial fuels. Depending on the standard, UL allows listing for B20 and/or B100. Notably, test standards for fiberglass underground tanks and piping do not have the ability to list for biodiesel fuels.

Local authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs) typically adopt fire codes from one of two organizations, the National Fire Protection Association (in particular, Code 30A, which includes language on alternative compliance to address new fuels) and the International Code Council, provide standard codes for retail stations that are accepted or modified to meet local requirements.

Other organizations developing best practices and codes include American Petroleum Institute, Fiberglass Tank and Pipe Institute, NACE International, National Conference on Weights and Measure, National Leak Prevention Association, Petroleum Equipment Institute (PEI), and Steel Tank Institute (STI).


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