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Systems Analysis

Systems analysis provides direction, focus, and support for the development and introduction of hydrogen production, storage, and end-use technologies, and provides a basis for recommendations on a balanced portfolio of activities. All areas of the Fuel Cell Technologies Office—hydrogen production, delivery, storage, fuel cells, technology validation, and safety, codes and standards—rely on the conclusions and recommendations drawn from systems analysis results to guide their R&D efforts.

The Hydrogen Analysis Resource Center provides consistent and transparent data that can serve as the basis for hydrogen-related calculations, modeling, and other analytical activities. Its Hydrogen Data Book offers a wide range of information about hydrogen and fuel cells, with a focus on hydrogen properties, hydrogen production and delivery data, and fuel cell vehicles.

A variety of analysis methodologies are used in combination to provide a sound understanding of hydrogen and fuel cell systems and markets from the basic resources required, to hydrogen production technology, to transportation and stationary applications. Realistic assumptions, both market- and technology-based, are critical to an accurate analytical study. DOE's H2A Analysis Group is developing the common bases for analyzing alternatives at the system, technology or component level in terms of cost, performance, benefit, and risk impact. View an overview fact sheet and individual summaries of the models and tools used for systems analysis of hydrogen and fuel cells.