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Fuel Cell Technologies Office Information Resources

Learn about hydrogen and fuel cells, find publications and technical information, view and download multimedia, read presentation materials from government leaders and experts, link to organizations advancing hydrogen and fuel cell technology, and find definitions for related terminology.

  • Program publications—Publications describing program plans, annual progress, and national-level roadmaps.
  • Technical publications—Links to technical documents, technical presentations, journal articles, and other media.
  • Educational publications—Easy-to-understand fact sheets and other information designed to introduce hydrogen and fuel cell technologies to non-technical audiences.
  • Newsletter—Monthly recap of program news, funding opportunities, workshops, events, and recent publications.
  • Program presentations—Presentations about fuel cells and hydrogen given by program staff at conferences and meetings.
  • Multimedia—Infographics, videos, and animations about hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.
  • Conferences, workshops, and meetings—Annual merit review proceedings and workshop and meeting proceedings.
  • Webinars—Upcoming and past program webinars.
  • Data records—Documents that provide historical information about data developed by the DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program.
  • Databases—Databases developed by the program to make it easier to find information about hydrogen and fuel cells.
  • Glossary—Glossary to help with understanding the vocabulary of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.
  • Hydrogen analysis toolbox—Production, delivery, and refueling analysis tools.