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Water Success Stories


The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's (EERE) successes in developing sustainable, emissions-free, and cost-effective water power open new possibilities for this reliable, renewable resource. Explore EERE's water power success stories below.

November 29, 2016
Precast Dam Structure | Photo Courtesy French Development Enterprises
EERE Success Story—Innovative "French Dam" Cuts Cost and Construction Time

With Energy Department support, French Development Enterprises, LLC, GEI Consultants, and Oldcastle Precast announced the successful construction of the first prototype of a “French Dam.”The prototype technology uses modular design—a term for structures that use multiple standardized components that integrate easily— to significantly cut construction time and cost.

September 7, 2016
The Hydropower RAPID Toolkit uses an OpenEI wiki-based platform that makes permitting information easily accessible from one location. (Photo by Sarah Wagoner / NREL 38642)
EERE Success Story—Collaborating on Regulatory Processes for Hydropower

Take a team of hydropower experts from the Energy Department and its national laboratories, led by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Add close collaboration with federal and state regulatory agencies, including the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), and other hydropower industry stakeholders. Top it off with a wiki-based platform of an easy-to-access hydropower permitting and regulatory roadmap that covers everything from small and large conventional hydropower to run-of-river hydropower, in-conduit, and pumped-storage projects information. What do you get?

July 28, 2016
Photo Courtesy: PNNL
EERE Success Story—Sturgeon, Lamprey, and Eel: Special Tags for Special Fish

When thinking of migrating fish, most people’s minds fill with images of majestic salmon vaulting themselves over waterfalls. Few conjure thoughts of the American eel and Pacific lamprey. Although unglamorous, eels and lampreys play a pivotal role in the health of oceanic and riverine ecosystems.

July 5, 2016
Water Success Stories
EERE Success Story—Instrumentation Database Provides a Shared Forum to Increase Project Success

Instrumentation is the Achilles’ heel of testing. Due to the impact that the conditions found in marine environments place on a device’s ability to function in the water, the need to have the most ideal and high-quality measurements is critical to the success of any test being planned. The salty and turbulent nature of the ocean creates a harsh environment that challenges even the best designed instrument. With a vast range of instruments and performance metrics that can cost tens of thousands of dollars, how does one select the best technology to put in the water?

April 20, 2016
Water Success Stories
EERE Success Story— Hydropower Fellowship Program Leading Students to Industry Careers

The Hydro Research Foundation’s (HRF) Hydro Fellowship Program allowed outstanding up-and-coming student fellows to conduct hydropower-related research—all made possible by a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

April 8, 2016
WEC-Sim Phase 1 testing at the Oregon State University Hinsdale Directional Wave Basin.
EERE Success Story—Open-Source Testing Reaches New Milestone for Wave Energy

Ocean wave energy is a developing next-generation technology. Wave energy converters are important for renewable energy development because the wave energy resource in the United States is substantial, and co-located with a large percentage of the population.

July 29, 2015
The Azura device sits 30m out from the Wave Energy Test Site (WETS) in Oahu.
EERE Success Story—Catching a Wave: Innovative Wave Energy Device Surfs for Power in Hawaii

With support from the Energy Department and the U.S. Navy, a prototype wave energy device has advanced successfully from initial concept to grid-connected, open-ocean pilot testing. The device, named Azura, was recently launched by Northwest Energy Innovations at a 30-meter test berth at the Navy’s Wave Energy Test Site (WETS) in Oahu’s Kaneohe Bay in Hawaii.

July 7, 2015
Water Success Stories
EERE Success Story—From Flour to Grits, a Water-Powered Mill Keeps on Grinding

By 1913, the old mill had become structurally unsound and was demolished and later rebuilt. The family also replaced the water wheel with more efficient twin hydropower turbine and generator units, boosting their local electric supply. As the family-owned business—Weisenberger Mills Inc.—grew and added more equipment through the years, they supplemented their onsite power generation with electricity from the local utility.

May 28, 2015
Water Success Stories
EERE Success Story—First-ever Hydropower Market Report Covers Hydropower Generation Infrastructure

The Energy Department’s 2014 Hydropower Market Report was released last month in an effort to provide taxpayers and industry professionals with a snapshot of the growing hydropower industry in the United States. The first-ever report details data collected over the past decade and highlights the continued trend of bolstering the U.S. hydropower fleet and its energy capacity.

June 5, 2014
EERE Success Story—Department of Energy Receives 2013 Partners in Conservation Award

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), along with its partners the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), received the Department of Interior’s “Partners in Conservation Award.”

June 4, 2014
EERE Success Story—Next-Generation Sensor Fish to Provide Data That Will Help Protect Real, Live Fish

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has redesigned the Sensor Fish, a small device deployed to study the conditions faced by fish swimming through hydropower installations.

March 6, 2014
EERE Success Story—Advancing Technology Readiness: Wave Energy Testing and Demonstration

EERE’s support enabled Northwest Energy Innovations to verify the functionality of its Wave Energy Technology—New Zealand (WET-NZ) device.

March 6, 2014
EERE Success Story—Alden Fish Friendly Turbine Allows for Safe Fish Passage

Alden hydroelectric will provide a more sustainable option for producing electricity at more than 1,000 estimated environmentally sensitive hydropower facilities and enable hydropower development at thousands of new sites.

November 6, 2013
EERE Success Story—Mapping the Potential of U.S. Ocean Energy

EERE's resource assessments show the scope of potential wave, tidal, and current energy development off of U.S. coasts, a technical potential of more than 2,000 TWh per year of clean, renewable electricity.

August 22, 2013
EERE Success Story—New Report States That Hydrokinetic Turbines Have Minimal Environmental Impacts on Fish

EERE has released a report assessing likelihood of fish injury and mortality from the operation of hydrokinetic turbines.

August 21, 2013
EERE Success Story—Kingston Creek Hydro Project Powers 100 Households

Hydropower project produces enough electricity to annually power nearly 100 typical American households.

April 18, 2013
EERE Success Story—Hydropower Generators Will Deliver New Energy from an Old Dam

City of Tacoma expands hydroelectric dam to produce more than 23,000 megawatt hours of electricity annually.

April 10, 2013
EERE Success Story—Tapping the Power of Alaska’s Rivers

Whitestone Power is working to create electricity from free-flowing rivers in Alaska's harsh climate.

April 10, 2013
EERE Success Story—Vortex Hydro Energy Develops Transformational Technology to Harness Energy from Water Currents

Laboratory testing of new hydrokinetic energy device to harness energy in slow-moving water currents.

April 10, 2013
EERE Success Story—Making Wave Power Efficient and Affordable

Atargis working to demonstrate world's first fully submerged wave energy converter system with 70% efficiency and cost below $0.14 per kilowatt hour.

April 9, 2013
EERE Success Story—Measuring the Impact of Tidal Power Installations on Endangered Beluga Whales

Ocean Renewable Power Company is studying the effects of tidal power on beluga whales.

April 9, 2013
EERE Success Story—Establishing a Testing Center for Ocean Energy Technologies in the Pacific Northwest

The University of Washington is researching tidal energy to maximize the energy extracted and understand potential marine ecosystem impacts.

April 9, 2013
EERE Success Story—Free Flow Power Partners to Improve Hydrokinetic Turbine Performance and Cost

Free Flow Power is working to enable American utilities to generate power from river sites not suited to conventional hydropower generation.

April 9, 2013
EERE Success Story—Columbia Power Technologies, Inc. Deploys its Direct Drive Wave Energy Buoy

Columbia Power Technologies, Inc. is working to advance their wave energy buoy to commercial readiness.