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Information for NRCS Program Applicants - If you plan to apply for conservation program or grant funding through the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and you use an Employer Identification Number (EIN), also referred to as a Tax Identification Number (TIN), you will need a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number and be registered with the Central Contractor Registration (CCR). The DUNS number is required for any federal contract application and applicants must have a CCR to receive payments.




Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) - The Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) provides financial and technical assistance to help conserve agricultural lands and wetlands and their related benefits.

Community Assistance Programs and Activities

Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) - a voluntary program intended to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies.

Conservation Operations - Conservation operations is the NRCS day-to-day technical assistance program.

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) - Mid-Contract Management Iowa Job Sheets and more...

Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) - Through CSP, NRCS will provide financial and technical assistance to eligible producers to conserve and enhance soil, water, air, and related natural resources on their land. Eligible lands include cropland, grassland, prairie land, improved pastureland, rangeland, nonindustrial private forest lands, agricultural land under the jurisdiction of an Indian tribe, and other private agricultural land (including cropped woodland, marshes, and agricultural land used for the production of livestock) on which resource concerns related to agricultural production could be addressed. Participation in the program is voluntary.

Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) - EQIP is a voluntary conservation program that promotes agricultural production and environmental quality. This program is available to farmers, and offers financial and technical assistance to install or implement structural and management practices on eligible agricultural land. NRCS Landscape Conservation Initiatives Map (PDF)

Farm Bill Resources

  • At-A-Glance - Iowa NRCS Program Accomplishments
  • FY16 Maps - Maps showing how FY16 Farm Bill Program funds were distributed in Iowa.
  • FY15 Maps - Maps showing how FY15 Farm Bill Program funds were distributed in Iowa.
  • FY14 Maps - Maps showing how FY14 Farm Bill Program funds were distributed in Iowa.
  • FY13 Maps - Maps showing how FY13 Farm Bill Program funds were distributed in Iowa.
  • FY12 Maps - Maps showing how FY12 Farm Bill Program funds were distributed in Iowa.
  • FY11 Maps - Maps showing how FY11 Farm Bill Program funds, along with Emergency Watershed Protection funding, were distributed in Iowa.
  • FY10 Maps - Maps showing how FY10 Farm Bill Program funds, along with Emergency Watershed Protection funding, were distributed in Iowa.
  • FY09 Maps - Maps showing how FY09 Farm Bill Program funds were distributed in Iowa.

Manure Management - Provides a vehicle for a coordinated and comprehensive approach to improve manure management in Iowa.

Mississippi River Basin Initiative (MRBI) - To improve the health of the Mississippi River Basin, including water quality and wildlife habitat, the Natural Resources Conservation Service is developing the Mississippi River Basin Healthy Watersheds Initiative (MRBI).

National Resources Inventory(NRI)

Plant Materials - The Elsberry Plant Materials Center serving Iowa released 27 trees, shrubs and native grass and forb seed species to Iowa seed growers who produce seed and bare root stock for conservation purposes.

Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) - The Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) promotes coordination between NRCS and its partners to deliver conservation assistance to producers and landowners. NRCS provides assistance to producers through partnership agreements and through program contracts or easement agreements.

Soil Survey - Modern soil surveys are available in all 99 Iowa Counties.

Electronic Forms

  • CCC-1250 and NRCS-LTP-1:  Application for Long-Term Contracted Assistance
  • CCC-1257 and NRCS-LTP-24:  Notice of Intent to Continue
  • CCC-1202 and NRCS FNM-141:  Application for Payment

Jon Hubbert, Asst. State Conservationist (Programs)
Phone: 515-284-4353