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Office Buildings

Although no one building type dominates the commercial buildings sector, office buildings are the most common and account for more than 800,000 buildings or 17 percent of total commercial buildings. Offices comprised more than 12 billion square feet of floorspace, 17 percent of total commercial floorspace, the most of any building type.

Types of Office Buildings

The 2003 CBECS Detailed Tables present data for office buildings along with other principal building activities (see Detailed Tables B13 and B14, for example). Since office buildings comprise a wide range of office-related activities, survey respondents were presented with a follow-up list of specific office types to choose from. Although we have not presented the office sub-category information in the detailed tables we make information about the sub-categories available in the 2003 Public Use Micro-Data files. Several of the sub-category choices presented to respondents were reported too few times to produce statistically reliable estimates and were aggregated with the “other type of office” category. We provide information in the micro-data files for the following office sub-categories (with examples of each):

The following table presents summary statistics for these office sub-categories. Administrative or professional office buildings dominate the entire office building category and account for more than half of office buildings and floorspace in office buildings (Figure 1).

Table 1. Totals and means of of floorspace, number of workers, and hours of operation for office buildings, 2003

Total Floorspace
sq. ft.)
Mean Square Feet per Building (thousand) Mean Square Feet per Worker Mean Hours per Week
All Buildings 4,859 71,658 * 14.7 * *
All Non-Mall Buildings 4,645 64,783 72,807 13.9 890 61
All Office Buildings 824 12,208 28,154 14.8 434 55
Type of Office Building            
442 6,628 15,316 15.0 433 56
—Bank/Financial 104 1,101 2,323 10.6 474 50
—Government 84 1,549 4,042 18.4 383 50
—Medical (Non-Diagnostic) 37 223 449 6.0 497 54
—Mixed Use 84 2,297 5,054 27.5 454 61
—Other Office 73 410 970 5.6 422 53
* Number of workers and hours of operation were not collected for mall buildings.
Source: Energy Information Administration, 2003 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey.

Figure 1. Percentage of Office Buildings by Type of Office, 2003

Figure 1. Percentage of Office Buildings by Type of Office, 2003

Source: Energy Information Administration. 2003 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey.

Two of the office sub-categories, administrative/professional and government, can be reported for major building characteristics categories (Table 2 and Table 3). All other office sub-categories have been aggregated into the "Other" category. At the end of this section are links to tables with a full set of rowstubs.

Table 2. Types of Office Building, Number of Buildings, 2003

  Total Buildings
All Buildings* Office Buildings
All Office Administrative/
Government Other
All Buildings 4,645 824 442 84 298
Building Floorspace
(square feet)
—Small (1,001 to 5,000) 2,552 503 273 Q 189
—Medium (5,001 to 50,000) 1,868 285 147 38 100
—Large (Over 50,000) 225 35 21 5 9
Year Constructed          
—Before 1960 1,419 230 158 21 51
—1960 to 1989 2,016 414 204 47 163
—1990 to 2003 1,210 180 80 17 83
Census Region and Division          
—Northeast 726 155 87 19 49
——New England 233 47 26 Q Q
——Middle Atlantic 493 108 61 11 36
—Midwest 1,266 231 120 28 83
——East North Central 696 134 79 14 41
——West North Central 571 97 41 Q 42
—South 1,775 250 131 25 94
——South Atlantic 874 125 72 6 47
——East South Central 348 41 26 Q Q
——West South Central 553 84 33 Q 38
—West 878 187 105 11 72
——Mountain 299 62 28 Q 28
——Pacific 580 125 77 Q 43
* Data are for non-mall buildings.
Q=Data withheld because the Relative Standard Error (RSE) was greater than 50 percent, or fewer than 20 buildings were sampled.
Source: Energy Information Administration, 2003 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey.

Table 3. Types of Office Building, Floorspace, 2003

  Total Floorspace
(million square feet)
All Buildings* Office Buildings
All Office Administrative/

Government Other
All Buildings 64,783 12,208 6,628 1,549 4,031
Building Floorspace
(square feet)
—Small (1,001 to 5,000) 6,789 1,382 730 Q 546
—Medium (5,001 to 50,000) 26,789 4,331 2,301 560 1,470
—Large (Over 50,000) 31,206 6,495 3,597 883 2,015
Year Constructed          
—Before 1960 17,685 2,852 1,454 433 965
—1960 to 1989 29,205 6,792 3,773 724 2,295
—1990 to 2003 17,893 2,563 1,401 392 770
Census Region and Division          
—Northeast 12,905 3,012 1,560 316 1,136
——New England 2,964 578 332 Q Q
——Middle Atlantic 9,941 2,434 1,228 217 988
—Midwest 17,080 2,989 1,584 486 919
——East North Central 11,595 2,190 1,242 374 575
——West North Central 5,485 799 342 Q 345
—South 23,489 3,782 2,011 564 1,206
——South Atlantic 12,258 1,958 1,007 Q 633
——East South Central 3,393 481 253 Q Q
——West South Central 7,837 1,343 752 Q 462
—West 11,310 2,425 1,473 183 769
——Mountain 3,675 629 346 Q 208
——Pacific 7,635 1,796 1,127 Q 561
* Data are for non-mall buildings.
Q=Data withheld because the Relative Standard Error (RSE) was greater than 50 percent, or fewer than 20 buildings were sampled.
Source: Energy Information Administration, 2003 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey.

Office Buildings
  Types of Office Buildings
  Energy Consumption
  End-Use Equipment

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Detailed office tables
  Table 2. Office Building Sub-Categories, Number of Buildings, 2003
  Table 3. Office Building Sub-Categories, Floorspace, 2003
  Note: Excel version includes tab for relative standard errors (RSEs).    
  See "What is an RSE?" for additional information.    

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Specific questions may be directed to:
  Alan Swenson
  Alan Swenson
  Phone: (202) 586-1129
  FAX: (202) 586-9753

Date released: September, 2010