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Search for Superfund Sites Where You Live

Search for National Priority List (NPL)1 Superfund Sites

1. Including proposed, final and deleted NPL sites and non-NPL Superfund Alternative Approach (SAA) sites

By default, all NPL sites appear. Click an EPA region on the map to display sites in a particular region (1-10).

Map of the US, split into EPA regions Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee  Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakaota, Utah, Wyoming Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington

After you select a link, press go to jump to Superfund sites for that Region.
After you select a link, press go to jump to Superfund sites for that State.
Region State of 
Region City County State Zip Code EPA ID Site Name NPL Status SAA? URL Alias
Region City County State Zip Code EPA ID Site Name NPL Status SAA? URL Alias