‹ Consumption & Efficiency

Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS)


Table B28. Primary space-heating energy sources, number of buildings, 2012

Released: May 2016

Number of buildings (thousand)
Buildings with space heating Primary space-heating energy source used1
Electricity Natural
Fuel oil District
All buildings 5,557 4,722 1,819 2,322 205 47
Building floorspace (square feet)            
1,001 to 5,000 2,777 2,257 928 1,025 119 Q
5,001 to 10,000 1,229 1,046 398 520 37 Q
10,001 to 25,000 884 797 280 433 32 Q
25,001 to 50,000 332 304 106 174 Q 6
50,001 to 100,000 199 187 70 97 6 10
100,001 to 200,000 90 86 27 48 2 9
200,001 to 500,000 38 36 8 23 Q 5
Over 500,000 8 8 2 4 Q 2
Principal building activity            
Education 389 379 154 182 17 12
Food sales 177 160 88 56 Q N
Food service 380 359 146 183 Q Q
Health care 157 153 60 82 5 2
Inpatient 10 9 Q 5 Q 1
Outpatient 147 144 58 77 Q Q
Lodging 158 153 93 45 Q 4
Mercantile 602 572 229 283 Q Q
Retail (other than mall) 438 412 160 192 Q Q
Enclosed and strip malls 164 160 68 91 Q Q
Office 1,012 989 424 493 32 12
Public assembly 352 330 94 164 Q 7
Public order and safety 84 81 Q 45 Q Q
Religious worship 412 408 132 199 Q N
Service 619 528 127 290 48 Q
Warehouse and storage 796 420 180 213 Q Q
Other 125 100 36 47 Q Q
Vacant 296 87 38 39 Q Q
Year constructed            
Before 1920 362 322 72 176 40 5
1920 to 1945 488 413 109 248 25 7
1946 to 1959 599 517 187 266 29 5
1960 to 1969 639 559 161 326 37 9
1970 to 1979 684 599 219 311 Q 10
1980 to 1989 915 754 363 336 Q 2
1990 to 1999 845 675 269 320 20 2
2000 to 2003 375 322 145 132 Q 4
2004 to 2007 347 291 161 105 Q 2
2008 to 2012 303 270 133 103 Q Q
Census region and division            
Northeast 805 727 138 361 141 15
New England 302 264 38 75 93 Q
Middle Atlantic 504 463 100 286 48 9
Midwest 1,237 1,096 193 768 Q 6
East North Central 735 670 90 530 Q 3
West North Central 502 426 102 238 Q 4
South 2,247 1,842 1,043 647 32 18
South Atlantic 1,091 873 557 239 21 8
East South Central 370 336 153 140 Q Q
West South Central 786 633 334 268 Q 5
West 1,267 1,057 445 547 Q 7
Mountain 338 293 80 187 Q Q
Pacific 929 764 365 360 Q 5
Climate region2            
Very cold/Cold 2,031 1,792 338 1,102 155 17
Mixed-humid 1,743 1,545 651 709 51 20
Mixed-dry/Hot-dry 837 676 332 315 N 4
Hot-humid 799 593 466 114 N Q
Marine 147 116 Q 82 N Q
Number of workers (main shift)            
Fewer than 5 2,892 2,184 788 1,040 136 Q
5 to 9 1,085 1,020 467 451 33 Q
10 to 19 731 692 269 370 Q Q
20 to 49 513 494 186 274 Q 11
50 to 99 206 203 74 112 7 7
100 to 249 93 92 24 58 2 7
250 or more 37 37 11 18 Q 6
Weekly operating hours            
Fewer than 40 1,149 815 282 384 40 Q
40 to 48 1,346 1,230 472 613 64 7
49 to 60 1,244 1,143 425 593 43 11
61 to 84 764 672 263 348 25 8
85 to 167 479 414 176 200 Q 6
Open continuously 575 448 200 184 22 11
Ownership and occupancy            
Nongovernment owned 4,781 4,028 1,600 1,944 176 21
Owner occupied 2,466 2,198 834 1,025 109 13
Leased to tenant(s) 1,745 1,458 611 735 52 Q
Owner occupied and leased 349 325 136 163 Q 2
Unoccupied 221 47 Q 21 Q Q
Government owned 776 694 219 378 29 26
Federal 33 33 Q 17 Q 1
State 185 168 58 81 Q 18
Local 558 493 149 281 26 7
Energy sources
(more than one may apply)
Electricity 5,234 4,717 1,819 2,322 205 47
Natural gas 2,933 2,888 509 2,322 15 17
Fuel oil 467 455 85 114 205 10
District heat 48 48 Q Q Q 47
District chilled water 54 51 20 6 N 26
Propane 510 491 122 45 47 Q
Other 172 172 33 47 Q 1
Energy end uses
(more than one may apply)
Buildings with space heating 4,722 4,722 1,819 2,322 205 47
Buildings with cooling 4,461 4,272 1,728 2,126 135 43
Buildings with water heating 4,423 4,237 1,599 2,148 169 44
Buildings with cooking 1,589 1,525 558 774 58 13
Buildings with manufacturing 259 234 87 124 Q Q
Buildings with electricity
410 400 131 199 25 15
Percent of floorspace heated            
Not heated 835 N N N N N
1 to 50 697 697 369 244 31 Q
51 to 99 727 727 275 370 28 7
100 3,298 3,298 1,175 1,709 146 40
Heating equipment
(more than one may apply)
Heat pumps 628 628 484 117 Q 2
Furnaces 755 755 191 485 Q Q
Individual space heaters 1,247 1,247 392 622 81 8
District heat 48 48 Q Q Q 47
Boilers 544 544 83 355 71 Q
Packaged heating units 2,802 2,802 1,057 1,506 85 3
Other 62 62 14 27 Q Q
1Additionally, 261,000 buildings used propane and 67,000 buildings used wood, coal, or some other energy source for primary space heating.
These climate regions were created by the Building America program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE).
Q = Data withheld either because the Relative Standard Error (RSE) was greater than 50 percent or fewer than 20 buildings were sampled.
N = No cases in reporting sample.
Notes: • Because of rounding, data may not sum to totals. • See
Guide to the 2012 CBECS Detailed Tables or CBECS Terminology for definition of terms used in these tables and/or comparison of differences with prior CBECS tables. Both references can be accessed from http://www.eia.gov/consumption/commercial/data/2012/
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Consumption and Efficiency Statistics, Form EIA-871A of the 2012 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey.